EU Energy and Climate Policy, Part 2: Europe's energy crisis has fostered cooperation between member states and the EU governing body and strengthened the push for more wind and solar though some call for technologically neutral decarbonization. Dr. Carl
In its policy guidance issued today to member states, the commission said that it wants EU states to step up cuts to fossil fuel consumption. And in the event of renewed energy price increases, the commission wants any new support measures after 2023 to be targeted at protecting vulnerable hou...
They examine systematic changes in the EU's decarbonisation efforts and energy transition caused by the pandemic crisis. Crnčec et al. (2023) argue that the governance framework developed to support the post-pandemic recovery created a strong financial and policy leverage to accelerate the ...
EUENERGY RESOURCESPOLICIESL STRATEGIESLately, EU got more and more concerned of assuring its energetic security. Therefore, it proceeded to measures and actions that aim to decrease the multiple vulnerabilities, risks and dangers rising at this century and millennium beginning.Popa, Vasile...
2023年7月10日,欧盟理事会通过了此前欧洲议会批准的新版《电池与废电池法》(EU 2023/1542),取代2006年颁发的旧版电池法规。该法已于8月17日正式生效,并将于2024年2月18号起正式实施。6月27日,兴业研究已就欧盟电池新规进行了初步解读和影响分析,在此基础上,本文结合欧盟后续公布的正式法律文本,对主要规定细则...
The European petroleum industry is one of a growing number of industries that sees a bleak future ahead unless EU policy makers recognise their concerns in a new climate and energy policy for 2030. "If the EU is to retain a competitive refining sector it needs realistic policies, with a bett...
Last update 20 February 2023 The key policy priority in 2021 for governments around the world was response to Covid-19. As governments all over the world implemented measures to contain the outbreak of the pandemic, and respond to the ongoing health, social and economic crisis, consequences of...
The topics investigated include: the energy policy of new EC in the light of the recent European Council; the priorities of the EC for the internal energy market and the future of ACER; EU competition and state aid policy in the energy markets; steps for achieving the 20/20/20 targets ...
2023, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Citation Excerpt : Others emphasize that the transition to clean energy on islands should follow an inclusive perspective that allows the participation of local population and institutions [60]. There are documented cases of opposition from the local populat...
Four groups of EU countries which meet energy policy targets at similar levels were identified.Energy-growth nexus depends on the level of compliance with energy policy targets.Most EU countries confirm the neutrality hypothesis.Countries which meet energy policy targets best confirm remaining hypothesis...