There appear to be path-related errors, but it's unclear to me what has caused them or how to resolve them. Here's an example snippet from this log file:<blockquote class="uncited"><div>{"message":"ERROR: Both of the directories (..\\idf-exe\\.. and ..\\tools) has to be ...
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.3-beta2 of ESP-IDF. Download an archive with submodules included Attached to this release is anesp-idf-v5.3-beta2.ziparchive. It includes.gitdirectory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users ...
By default, it’s unassigned. Use Change Assignment to configure a keystroke combination for this event. Once assigned, you can use this key command to reload the aircraft within the simulation. Turn off AI Traffic. AI traffic aircraft are maintained in the cache and even if you update the ...
I was using eeprom to save some config values like wifissid and pw. It was all good until the upgrade. After the upgrade, I found that the platformio set the Flash params address to start on 0x0220. I guess originally it was 0x022f, and I use ArduinoIDE it is the value that Ardui...
ur mod in liteapks literally don't have crash like ur mod on platinmods idk why, they are right when we open the game it will crash, maybe u have to check it out @Axey Reply M marcao22zz Awesome Active Platinian Nov 5, 2024 #892 Amora...
ESP32-S3R2: Xtensa® dual-core 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz; 2.4G Wi-Fi + Bluetooth LE; RISC-V Ultra Low Power Co-processor;2 MB Quad SPI PSRAMis integrated in the package, so don’t worry too much about using massive buffers, it’s basically sufficient. ...
The logic of the fire simulation is clearly described in the example file. If you want to know how it works read the source code of the example. Attachments fire.ino Download EP's_Flame_Android_App(source).rar Download Step 5: App To control the “look and feel” of the ...
I have added the debug in the call_start_cpu0 function as you recommend and will try to re-capture a fail event. Also, I assume you know it's entering the 2nd bootloader because of this line in the logs: entry 0x4008039c. Is that correct?
Bluetooth® LE, debugging via native USB in the Arduino IDE as well as low power.The Nano ESP32 is compatible with the Arduino IoT Cloud, and has support for MicroPython. It is an ideal board for getting started with IoT development.Target areas:Maker, Debugging, IoT, MicroPython ...