vue 调整 eslint eslint-plugin-vue 团队协作中,为了减少代码错误、节约调试时间、维持团队成员之间代码风格的统一,除了制定编码规范之外,我们往往需要借助工具来进行代码检测,辅助编码规范的实施。 ESLint是个不错的选择,由鼎鼎大名的Nicholas C. Zakas创建,是一个可组装的JavaScript和JSX检查工具。下面我们一起来看看...
第一步:安装 1、全局安装:eslint ,版本必须9以下,不然vue2的eslint配置文件不支持了。 npm install eslint@8.57.0 -g 2、项目本地dev安装:eslint,必装而且版本必须9以下 npm install eslint@8.57.0 -D 3、项目本地dev安装插件:eslint-plugin-vue(检测.vue文件里的js,必装) npm install eslint-plugin-...
"language": "vue", // 检测vue文件 "autoFix": true // 为vue文件开启保存自动修复的功能 }, { "language": "html", "autoFix": true }, ], 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. vue项目安装eslint 如果项目默认选择安装就忽略 npm i -g eslint-plugin-vue 1. 项目根目...
由于eslint-config-vue已经被废弃,于是总结了一下eslint-plugin-vue-libs的eslint config配置,如下: module.exports = {extends:['plugin:vue/essential'],plugins:['vue-libs'],parserOptions:{parser:require.resolve('babel-eslint'),ecmaVersion:2017,sourceType:'module'},env:{es6:true,node:true},globals...
linting your pug templates in vue single file components. Latest version: 0.6.2, last published: a year ago. Start using eslint-plugin-vue-pug in your project by running `npm i eslint-plugin-vue-pug`. There are 5 other projects in the npm registry using
eslint-plugin-vue Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js 📖 Documentation Please refer to theofficial website. ⚓ Versioning Policy This plugin followsSemantic Versioning. However, please note that we do not followESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy. In minor version releases, this plugin may ...
See the ESLint Vue Plugin Developer Guide. Working With Rules Be sure to read the official ESLint guide before you start writing a new rule. To see what an abstract syntax tree (AST) of your code looks like, you may use AST Explorer. After opening AST Explorer, select Vue as the ...
yarn add eslint @eslint/js eslint-plugin-vue 在package.js增加eslint命令(执行npm run lint即可eslint检查): "lint": "eslint" 在src同级目录下添加eslint规范文件eslint.config.js,文件规范内容如下: import eslint from '@eslint/js' import globals from 'globals' import eslintPluginVue from...
【eslint-plugin-vue 官方网站】: 3. vue-cli 或 weex-toolkit 快速搭建的项目。 3.1 用weex做示范创建一个初始化项目: weex-cli 创建的一个包含eslint的初始化项目 3.2 找到根目录下的.eslintrc.js这个是eslint的配置文件: ...