ESEC/FSE'2022 组委会信息 本届ESEC/FSE共设置32位Organizing Committee Chair,其中有四位来自中国,分别是北京大学郝丹,微软亚研张冬梅,北京大学谢涛,北航高翔。 此外,本届ESEC/FSE共设置120余位Program Committee Member (Research track),其中有十余位来自中国,其中不乏北京大学郝丹和北京大学周明辉等资深教授,同时也...
在刚刚结束的2022年国际软件工程领域顶级会议ESEC/FSE 2022上,由我院彭鑫教授、赵文耘教授、陈碧欢副教授、吴毅坚副教授等带领的CodeWisdom团队(复旦大学软件工程实验室)发表了多项研究成果,其中包括4篇主会论文(Research Papers)。 关于深度学习...
本次ESEC/FSE大会于本周一(11月14日)到周三(11月16日)在新加坡国立大学城Stephen Riady中心召开,参与人数400+。龙测科技有幸和微软、亚马逊、字节跳动、华为、Meta、谷歌等知名企业一起成为本次盛会的合作伙伴。龙测科技在会场设立了专属展台,吸引了来自不同行业测试从业者们的到访。龙测展台 他们针对龙测AI-T...
龙测科技携手ESEC/FSE 2022成功举办 E S E C / F S E (European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering)欧洲软件工程会议和软件工程基础研讨会是国际知名软件工程会议。它提供了一个平台,让来自学术界、工业界的专家、研究人员、软件工程从业人员和教育工作者聚集... 截稿日期: 2022-03-10 通知日期: 2022-06-14 会议日期: 2022-11-14 会议地点: Singapore 届数: 17 CCF:aCORE:a*QUALIS:a2浏览:32764关注:40参加:3 征稿 Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Artificial intelligence and machine learning for software engine...
In conjunction with the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) - PROCEEDINGS: All accepted contributions will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library....
Sep 21, 2022 View all files DeepREL This is the artifact of the research paper, "Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries via Automated Relational API Inference", at ESEC/FSE 2022. About DeepREL is a fully automated end-to-end relational API inference and fuzzing technique for DL libraries, which 1...
Artifact repository for the paper "Perfect Is the Enemy of Test Oracle", In Proceedings of The 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022), Singapore, November 2022 - In
of ESEC/FSE, 2011.G. Fraser and A. Arcuri, "Evosuite: automatic test suite generation for object-oriented software," in Proceedings of the 19th ACM ... G Fraser,A Arcuri - Sigsoft/fse11 Acm Sigsoft Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering 被引量: 465发表: 2011年 Mining API ...