Carbono orgnico e estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes manejosThe objective of this work was to verify the influence of different managements on organic carbon and on aggregate stability of a Red Latossol (Typic Haplorthox). The following treatments were appraised: ...
The models were efficient in the Chl-a and TOC estimates in the environments studies, showing the feasibility of image use in the remote monitoring of these limnological variables in reservoirs located in the semi-arid-climate regions of Brazil.De-Carvalho, Herbster...
The change in land use generates a decrease in soil organiccarbon (COS). The objective sof this study were to evaluate the effecto fland use at diferente depthson the physical atributes and COS levels under the banana culture in the city of Passos, Southwest of Min...