socket error 10053,10054究竟是怎么引起的 贴2段能稳定重现10053的代码,下面是客户端:[cpp] view plaincopy 1.WORD VersionRequested; 2.WSADATA WsaData; 3. 4.VersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); 5. 6.if (WSAStartup(VersionRequested, &...
// 下面这2句代码如果注释掉,后面的recv就能正解的返回0。如果不注释掉,recv就会返回-1,// 并得到10053这个错误 rs = send(SocketServer, temp, sizeof(temp) + 1, 0);err = WSAGetLastError();rs = recv(SocketServer, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);err = WSAGetLastError();system("pause"...
After your computer restarts successfully, perform the same action as before to see if the Winsock error 10053 is now resolved. The 10053 Winsock error may indicate a data transmission timeout or a protocol error if it occurs instantly after the operating system aborts the TCP / IP connection....
What is the difference between with error code 10053 and 10054? All replies (2) Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:16 PM ✅Answered According to the description (, the former (WS...
重启SSH服务以使配置生效:sudo systemctl restart sshd。 检查IP地址冲突:使用arping等工具检查同网段内是否有IP地址冲突。 更换服务器IP端口:如果以上方法均无效,可以尝试更换服务器IP的端口号。 4. 建议如何预防这种错误的发生 定期维护网络连接:定期检查和维护网络连接,确保网络稳定可靠。 合理配置防火墙和安全软件:...
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Recommendation The SQL Server 2016 Express is the latest data management system from the Microsoft. Like the... Where is the database folder for MS-Access database? 'db' folder created along with the 'www' or ...
system("pause");return0; 这个是服务器的 WORD VersionRequested; WSADATA WsaData; VersionRequested= MAKEWORD(2,2);if(WSAStartup(VersionRequested, &WsaData)) { printf("加载socket库失败!\n");return-1; }//监听来自浏览器的请求SOCKET SockServer =socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); ...
在树莓派端已开启ssh,在连接时候,出现下面这种情况,发现是缺少一些文件。(排除地址冲突、不在同一局域网等可能情况) 在树莓派端安装后即可。 1)sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server 会重新生成一些文件。 2)cd /etc/ssh sudo chmod 400 ./* 3)重启sshd ...
这些文件。 解决方法: 1)sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server 会重新生成上面的一些文件。 2)cd /etc/ssh chmod 400 ./* 3)重启sshd sudo systemctl restart sshd xshell再次连接,成功!
A connection will timeout if the local system doesn’t receive an (ACK)nowledgement for data sent. It would also timeout if a (FIN)ish TCP packet is not ACK’d (and even if the FIN is ACK’d, it will eventually timeout if a FIN is not returned). ...