Subject:ORA-01031 error Hi all, I tried to connect to a remote database running Oracle from my Oracle Client (SQL*Plus) which is of version as SYS. I get an error message :- ORA-01031 : Insufficient Privileges I tried using Password file as well, but in vain...
> procedures using dynamic sql. If I run the scripts in sqlplus all is > well. If I try it inside a package of stored procedures using execute > immediate I get the ORA 01031 insufficient privs error. All objects > addressed are owned by the schema authoring and executing the package of...
Topik: Re: Bls: [indo-oracle] ERROR: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges on solaris 10 udah pak $ id -a oracle uid=100(oracle) gid=100(oinstall) groups=101(dba) 2008/9/24 Sulistyo <bookonlineworm@ sg> > id oracle dapetnya seperti ini gak pak ? > uid=500(oracle) gid=...