1. 确认eval(predvars, data, env)函数的调用上下文 eval函数在R语言中用于评估表达式。其常用形式为eval(expr, envir = .GlobalEnv, enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv()),但在你的情况下,使用了三个参数:predvars、data和env。这里,predvars可能是包含变量...
Calculate log10(nCount) and put into the query metadata query@meta.data['log_umi'] <- log10(calcn$nCount) StefanMDPhD commented Jan 30, 2024 @hoangan-nguyen. Thanks that really helped. Specifically what worked for me was: query@meta.data['log_umi'] <- log10(query$nCount_RNA)Sig...
As you see, I pass a vector 'x ' to my function, which I would have expected to be passed to the functionlm(x ~ 1), but instead I get the messageError in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'x' not found. The same code without the wrapper function works fine. W...
我在用R语言做文本分析后的数据的预测的时候发现,在进行随机森林建模时报错:Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : 找不到对象’000’。 经过分析,这是因为使用了不合法的变量名的原因。随机森林对这点比较敏感。像决策树和朴素贝叶斯可能不会报错。 解决方法 像我这个,就是用了000作为变量名,这是不合法的,...
Error in eval(predvars, data, env): object 'FEATURE_NAME' not found Here FEATURE_NAME is a onehot encoded column name. ex - if categorical column name is "columnA" , "value1" is the value. Then the FEATURE_NAME is "coulmnAvalue1" my prob...
ARG 设置 ENV 无效的原因:ARG 的作用范围 Dockerfile 如下: ARG BASE_IMAGE ARG VARIABLE=test FROM...
The “error in evalpredvars data env :object not found” errormessage is a fairly simple one to cause. Unfortunately, the message itself is not helpful in understanding the problem. However, once you understand the problem it is easy to fix. You can convert the column that is causing th...
How to deal with error � Error in eval(predvars data env) numeric 'envir' arg not of length one� in R - This error occurs when we do not pass the argument for independent variable as a data frame. The predict function will predict the value of the