-2102 无效的角色名[%s] -2103 无效的模式名[%s] -2104 无效的表名[%s] -2105 无效的视图名[%s] -2106 无效的表或视图名[%s] -2107 无效的临时表名[%s] -2108 无效的索引名[%s] -2109 无效的约束名[%s] -2110 无效的触发器名[%s] -2111 无效的列名[%s] -2112 有歧义的列名[%s] -2113 无效...
error code 2109, which is an "order event warning" message, with this accompanying text: "Attempted modify of OcaGroup will not be done. Order modify now being processed." API developers should keep in mind that the "order event warning" error code 2109 exists to transmit warnings about an...
Y Example #define ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM (128) ... int ret = 0; int error_count = 0; unsigned int error_code_list[DCMI_ERROR_CODE_MAX_COUNT] = {0}; ret = dcmi_get_driver_errorcode(&error_count, error_code_list, ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM); ...Ü...
OceanStor 2810 V500R007 Error Code Reference This document is applicable to OceanStor 2810 V5. This document provides error codes of the storage system and guides maintenance engineers and technical support engineers to locate and rectify faults based on error codes....
{"insertId":"kjdxlhdp2nu","jsonPayload": {"status": {"code": 16,"message":"Error code: 16"},"request": {"phoneNumber":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx","@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.identitytoolkit.v1.SendVerificationCodeRequest"},"requestMetadata": {"callerIp":"xxxxxxxxxxxx","callerSupp...
DMerrorcode达梦数据库-错误代码汇总 CODE ERRINFO 100 空结果集 101 字符串截断 102 在集函数中计算NULL值 103 ⽆效的表名 104 删除0⾏记录 105 插⼊0⾏记录 106 更新0⾏记录 107 跨语句游标操作 108 回收权限时⽆相应权限 109 试图转换空字符串 110 编译没有结束 111 结果集数据获取完成 112 ...
Root User Y Y Y Example #define ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM (128) ... int ret = 0; int error_count = 0; unsigned int error_code_list[DCMI_ERROR_CODE_MAX_COUNT] = {0}; ret = dcmi_get_driver_errorcode(&error_count, error_code_list, ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM); ...Traduzioni...
Root User Y Y Y Example #define ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM (128) ... int ret = 0; int error_count = 0; unsigned int error_code_list[DCMI_ERROR_CODE_MAX_COUNT] = {0}; ret = dcmi_get_driver_errorcode(&error_count, error_code_list, ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM); ...Tradução...
Root User Y Y Y Example #define ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM (128) ... int ret = 0; int error_count = 0; unsigned int error_code_list[DCMI_ERROR_CODE_MAX_COUNT] = {0}; ret = dcmi_get_driver_errorcode(&error_count, error_code_list, ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM); ...Traducciones...
Y Example #define ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM (128) ... int ret = 0; int error_count = 0; unsigned int error_code_list[DCMI_ERROR_CODE_MAX_COUNT] = {0}; ret = dcmi_get_driver_errorcode(&error_count, error_code_list, ERROR_CODE_MAX_NUM); ...Translation...