错误消息 'table 'users' already exists' 明确指出了问题的根源:users 表已经存在于数据库中。 2. 解决方案一:删除已存在的 users 表(如果不再需要) 如果你确定不再需要这个表,或者这个表中的数据可以被丢弃,你可以选择删除它,然后重新创建。但请注意,在执行删除操作前,务必备份相关数据以防数据丢失。
[17:53:21]root@localhost[a]>CREATEVIEW v_tASSELECT*fromt; ERROR 1050(42S01):Table'v_t'already exists 此时,再次检查binlog: [17:53:24]root@localhost[a]>SHOWBINLOG EVENTSIN'mysql55-bin.000006'\G ***1.row*** Log_name: mysql55-bin.000006 Pos: 4 Event_type: Format_desc Server_...
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table xxx already exists 今天遇到一个关于MySQL求助的问题,修改表结构时遇到“ERROR 1050 (42S01): table xxx already exits" mysql> ALTER TABLE DAY_BOOK_REPORTADD UNIT_PRICE_PCSDOUBLE(12,2) DEFAULT NULL; ERROR 1050 (42S01): TABLE 'INVGSP/#SQL-IB379' ALREADY EXISTS m...
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table xxx already exists 今天遇到一个关于MySQL求助的问题,修改表结构时遇到“ERROR 1050 (42S01): table xxx already exits" mysql> ALTER TABLE DAY_BOOK_REPORT ADD UNIT_PRICE_PCS DOUBLE(12,2) DEFAULT NULL; ERROR 1050 (42S01): TABLE 'INVGSP/#SQL-IB379' ALREADY EXIST...
【快速解决】ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table ‘/#sql-ibxxxxx‘ already exists,【快速解决】ERROR1050(42S01):Table'/#sql-ibxxxxx'alreadyexists
However, after I created a DB in node 2 (, I tried to create a table (of course with ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER), mysql> CREATE TABLE TBL1 (NO INT(11)) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; it shows me that ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 'TBL1' already exists ...
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table xxx already exists潇湘隐者 2018-04-02 12:26 阅读: 22285 评论: 0 推荐: 1 博客简介:这里是潇湘隐者的一亩三分地,偶尔意兴阑珊的时候,整理打理下本“菜园”,本“菜园”主要关注各类数据库技术(ORACLE、MS SQL, MySQL,Hbase...)以及NOSQL、NET、JAVA等各类技术。在这里...
1050 42S01 ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR Table '%s' already exists 1051 42S02 ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR Unknown table '%s' 1052 23000 ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR Column '%s' in %s is ambiguous 1053 08S01 ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN Server shutdown in progress 1054 42S22 ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR Unknown column '%s' in '%s...
mysql> ALTER TABLE `TBL1` ENGINE = NDBCLUSTER; ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table '#sql-1e4c_5' already exists mysql> SHOW WARNINGS; +---+---+---+ | Level | Code | Message | +---+---+---+ | Warning | 1105 | Ndb might
As of your initial problem, I remember I'd met the same error before. but I found it was my fault that I didn't "--initial" the ndbd nodes after a structure reorganization. Obviously it's not your case. However, I had not got into any trouble during a whole recreation. ...