I am trying to use the oauth2 authentication and I am retrieving a code from the oauth/v2/auth GET request as expected but I am getting an error on the POST - here is a redacted version of my http debugging output (the XXXX represent valid client_ids and
1,首先在本地删除要删除的文件的相对路径 git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --...
If it doesn't exist exactly like that in the database for passport.dev then it will throw the invalid_client error. Please be sure to check that and we will see if any further investigation is needed. 还需要查看 oauth_clients 表的 password_client 是否为 1...
针对你遇到的“oauth error invalid_request: the redirect_uri is not whitelisted”错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认OAuth流程中的redirect_uri是否正确: 在OAuth流程中,redirect_uri是用于指定授权服务器在授权成功后重定向用户浏览器的URL。你需要确保这个URL与你在OAuth服务提供商(如Google、Facebook...
whenever you call OktaAuth method, you get an OAuthError error with the error code login_required and the message The client specified not to prompt, but the user is not logged in.. So far so good. I can catch the error and apply any error handling I like. But first time, there is...
Unhandled Rejection (OAuthError): The client specified not to prompt, but the user is not logged in. #952 Closed amok opened this issue Nov 7, 2019· 31 comments Closed Unhandled Rejection (OAuthError): The client specified not to prompt, but the user is not logged in. #952 amok ...
说吧,Client_id和Client_secret这两个参数需要!! 如果不带这两个参数,返回的结果就是 但是用Postman直接带上这两个参数,则会返回Invalid_clientBad...关于这个问题,在网上找了很多,但是都没有解决我的问题。 首先,刷新Token调用的接口是/Oauth/Token,其中参数有 Grant_type=Refresh_token ...
错误时的authentication的配置如下 检查过console后,发现拿授权码去获取token时没有带上Cilent Secret 经过一番奋斗发现是Client Authentication这里的问题 将这里改成Send client credentials in body就可以成功了 检查
1.按照https://medium.com/@nickroach_50526/sending-emails-with-node-js-using-smtp-gmail-and-oauth2-316fe9c790a1中的步骤操作 1.从https://myaccount.google.com/?hl=en&utm_source=OGB&utm_medium=act生成Gmail密码 安全>搜索应用程序密码>选择应用程序>选择设备(Windows计算机)>并单击生成 1.确保从...