错误invalid_client 表示客户端凭证(如客户端ID、客户端密钥等)存在问题,可能是不正确或无效。 检查客户端配置是否正确: 确保你在请求中使用的客户端ID和客户端密钥是正确的。 如果这些凭证是硬编码在你的应用程序中,检查代码中的值是否与服务提供商提供的值匹配。 如果凭证是动态获取的(例如,从环境变量或配置文件...
I'm trying to send authentication request for apple using Python, but always giving Error: Invalid_Client here's my code : Code Block def login_with_apple(self, code): client_secret = generate_apple_client_secret() apple_url = "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token" header = {'cont...
ClientException in RequestException.php line 111: Client error: `POST http://passport.dev/oauth/token` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response: {"error":"invalid_client","message":"Client authentication failed"} How to resolve this?Thank you for your help!
If it doesn't exist exactly like that in the database for passport.dev then it will throw the invalid_client error. Please be sure to check that and we will see if any further investigation is needed. 还需要查看 oauth_clients 表的 password_client 是否为 1...
The result is always the same: {"error":"invalid_client"} I get the code, identityToken and everything I need - except the call to https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token - because of invalid_client. Here is my url for getting the code. https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize?respon...
1,首先在本地删除要删除的文件的相对路径 git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --...
{"error":"invalid_client"} - postman error When I run a POST request on postman using the form-data option to pass the body parameters, I am able to successfully retrieve the auth token. But when I use the raw option and enter the body parameters as a JSON object, I receive the ...
invalid_client error - oauth2 I am trying to use the oauth2 authentication and I am retrieving a code from the oauth/v2/auth GET request as expected but I am getting an error on the POST - here is a redacted version of my http debugging output (the XXXX represent valid client_ids ...
check the client_id and client_secret on databases, which is not belong to any user. 👍1 Lordkirinmentioned this on Jan 23, 2018 Alexa app with Laravel/Passport Invalid Client_id #617 Artessanmentioned this on Jun 4, 2018 server response with 401 Unauthenticated. #730 PanjiNamjaElfment...