针对你遇到的 error: #20: identifier "u32" is undefined 错误,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认"u32"应该代表的数据类型或定义 通常,u32 可能是一个表示 32 位无符号整数的类型定义。这种类型定义可能出现在标准库、第三方库或用户自定义的代码中。 2. 检查代码中是否包含了"u32"的定义 首先,你...
Hello, The compiler is generating an error #20: identifier is undefined error because it can't find a structure type definition (i.e typedef struct { }). The
发现是头文件里#include"system.h" ,放在void TIM4_Init(u16 pre,u16 psc);下面所导致的
报错:Error[Pe020]: identifier “s” is undefined看上图,s肯定是已经定义了,为什么还会有这种报错。请小伙伴注意,如果这是c文件中声明的第一个函数,那么肯定是头文件出问题了。我这边回头查看头文件,没有报错。但是发现函数后面少了一个分号。加上去后解决了。...。
Error: identifier "deleteNode" is undefined. It's an Intellisense error at the Line: 177 The line is: If(!deleteNode(... Code has been updated as discussion goes along... Updated: 4:09 PM CST 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434...
(size_t i=1; i < NC_nprimes - 1; i++) { ^ ../../libdispatch/nchashmap.c(387): error: expected a ";" for (size_t i=1; i < NC_nprimes - 1; i++) { ^ ../../libdispatch/nchashmap.c(387): error: identifier "i" is undefined for (size_t i=1; i < NC_n...
"C:/CCs_v51/xdais_7_21_01_07/packages/ti/xdais/xdas.h", line 64: error: identifier "Int8" is undefined "C:/CCs_v51/xdais_7_21_01_07/packages/ti/xdais/xdas.h", line 65: error: identifier "Uint8" is undefined "C:/CCs_v51/xdais_7_21_01_07/p...
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include/mwaitxintrin.h(42): error: identifier "__builtin_ia32_mwaitx" is undefined Contributor TonkomoLLC commented Jul 25, 2022 Hello, I am not sure for sure what the issue is with the compilation error, some things to check: Are arch=sm_## set...
你好 这些变量是全局变量吗? extern 申明的时候,是否相应原始申明的文件正确包含了呢 identifier "ARP" is undefined GPIO 情况相同,这个的定义在C6X.h里面,请问原始定义在哪里呢?