总之,错误 #40: expected an identifier 是一个常见的编译错误,它提示开发者在代码中某个需要标识符的地方出现了问题。通过仔细检查代码,并确保所有标识符都已正确命名和无误,通常可以解决这个错误。
error: expected identifier 是一个在多种编程语言中常见的编译错误,通常表明编译器在解析代码时,在期望一个标识符(如变量名、函数名等)的位置没有找到预期的语法元素。以下是一些可能导致这个错误的常见原因及其解决方案: 1. 漏写或误写标识符 问题描述: 在需要标识符的地方(如变量声明、函数调用等)漏写了标识符...
I get "error: expected an identifier" and CCS says the problem is"extern far "c" in the code below. // Prevent C++ name mangling#ifdef __cplusplusextern far "c" {#endif Is there a compile switch I should set to get the compiler to like it?...
//for both the intialization statements expected an identifier error popped //since i need to see one of the PWM's varying in duty cycle so the code below if ( k < (float)0.96 ) //error expected an expression popped{ (float) m = k*6000; //error ...
编译FatFS时遇到 Error[Pe040]: expected an identifier 详细位置在下面一行. typedef enum {FALSE = 0,TRUE}BOOL; 经检查系其他地方已经定义了TRUE,F ...,21ic电子技术开发论坛
Finally, when I added that, I got a bunch of errors in which one of them was: error: #40: expected an identifierinsideDevice.hfile. Device.h #ifndef <Device>_H //ToDo: replace '<Device>' with your device name #define <Device>_H ...
Error: #40: expected an identifier --- typedef enum { WITH_A = 0, /* Comment 1*/ WITH_B, /* Comment 2 */ WITH_B