ios系统使用video播放视频the operation was aborted handleError iphone flv播放,要给工程中添加音频,首先要导入音频的框架 AVFoundation.framework在使用AVFoundation.framework框架时,需要使用的方法就更加的多。常用到的有以下方法:audioPlayerplay开始播放音频
When users connect to the application by using the Windows Internet Explorer over a slow connection, they can receive the following error: Operation Aborted Additionally, a blank page is displayed in the ...
Having the same problem. Safari:AbortError: Fetch is aborted Chrome:AbortError: The user aborted a request. Firefox:AbortError: The operation was aborted. I can trigger this on a locally-hosted site with my elite clicking skillz. It completely disables the site, too. commentedJun 30, 2021 I...
In the System Monitoring view of the VMware Cloud Director Availability Replicator, the vCenter shows as offline and you see a similar error: Operation aborted due to an unexpected error In/opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log/cloud.logon the vApp Replication Manager, you see a similar entry: 2020-03-19...
JavaScript Error : Operation Aborted 项目 2008/09/09 Here's another tricky JavaScript error that could leave you bewildered and frustrated...Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site <site>.Operation abortedIf you've encountered this error, you may be ready to strangle your computer ...
Could not complete the operation due to insufficient resources THROTTLE= 7000 Platform throttled the request because of API was invoked too frequently USER_ABORT= 8000 User aborted the operation OPERATION_TIMED_OUT= 8001 Could not complete the operation in the given time interval ...
Error code of Media server HRESULT Description 0x000D0000 The requested operation is pending completion.%0 0x000D0001 The requested operation was aborted by the...
"Subscriptions cannot be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored, or if a linked report, the link is no longer valid" error "The Database Engine instance you selected is not valid for this edition of Reporting Services" error message "The operation has timed ou...
Operating system error 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.).SQLVDI: Loc=WaitForResource. Desc=Partner process aborted. ErrorCode=(0). Process=6248. Thread=7128. Server. Instance=MSSQLSERVER. VD=Global\VNBU0-5344-5212-12668189...
DM copy operation failed to copy 1 extents (Error:IO was aborted). Bytes transferred:0 Extents transferred: 0 This error is reported irrespective of the LUN selected on the target array. In the/var/log/vmkernel.logfile, you see: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.563Z cpu3:4936442)NMP: nmp_Throttle...