针对您遇到的 ollama error: pull model manifest 错误,这个问题通常表示在尝试从 Ollama 模型仓库拉取模型时遇到了问题。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助您排查和解决这个问题: 1. 确认网络连接正常 检查网络连接:确保您的设备能够正常访问互联网,并且没有防火墙或网络策略阻止您访问 https://registry.ollama.ai。
The command should pull the model manifest from the Ollama registry successfully, allowing the specified model (llama2) to be executed. Actual Behavior: The command failed with the following error: Error: pull model manifest: Get "https://registry.ollama.ai/v2/l...
重新执行(不行再重试几次) ollama rundeepseek-r1:8b
What is the issue? ollama pull vicuna pulling manifest Error: pull model manifest: ssh: no key found OS Windows GPU Nvidia CPU Intel Ollama version ollama version is 0.1.41Activity 674316added bugSomething isn't working on Jun 7, 2024 674316 commented on Jun 7, 2024 674316 on Jun 7,...
.NET SDK: Version: 8.0.303 Commit: 29ab8e3268 Workload version: 8.0.300-manifests.c915c39d MSBuild version: 17.10.4+10fbfbf2e Runtime Environment: OS Name: Windows OS Version: 10.0.26257 OS Platform: Windows RID: win-x64 Base Path: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\Microsoft\dotnet\sdk...
$ docker pull datadog/cluster-agent:1.19.0 $ docker tag datadog/cluster-agent:1.19.0 test-registry-quay-quay.apps.test77.indiashift.support/sayali/cluster:test $ docker push test-registry-quay-quay.apps.test77.indiashift.support/test/cluster:test . . "manifest invalid: manifest invalid" ...
(x4 over 63m) kubelet Failed to pull image "registry.redhat.io/redhat/community-operator-index:latest": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error reading manifest latest in registry.redhat.io/redhat/community-operator-index: unknown: Tag latest was deleted or has expired. To pull, revive via ...
docker pull XXX报错:Error response from daemon: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/ubuntu/manifests/latest": EOF 解决: 1、找到可用IP dig @ registry-1.docker.io 2、找到任一可用ip,添加至hosts文件 vim /etc/hosts ...
pull docker hub中的镜像失败 Error response from daemon: manifest for xxx not found: manifest unknown: pull自己在docker hub中镜像报错,始终找不到这个镜像: Error responsefromdaemon: manifestfora1030907690/php-ubuntu:latestnotfound: manifestunknown: manifestunknown ...
manifest unknown: manifest unknown]): registry.redhat.io/openshift-service-mesh/istio-rhel8-operator@sha256:XXXXXXXXXX: error pinging docker registry registry.redhat.io: Get https://registry.redhat.io/v2/: dial tcp x.x.x.x:443: i/o timeout Error: ErrImagePull Back-off pulling image "reg...