中文含义:宏或'#include' 递归太深 错误原因:语句 #include 嵌套太深。当预处理器遇到太多嵌套的 #include 指令时,会导致此错误。通常该错误由两个或多个文件进行相互引用时,会引发无限递归。 (3)、error:invalid preprocessing directive #... 中文含义:非法的预处理命令#... 错误原因:该错误指明预处理器遇到...
[Error] invalid preprocessing directive #inclued 错误原因 #inclued写错了应该写成#include
I try to build semgrep-core from git sources on macOS 11.3.1. I get errors: $ make rm -f bin ./scripts/make-version > ./src/cli/version.ml dune build clang src/tree-sitter-lang/semgrep-cpp/lib/scanner.o (exit 1) (cd _build/default/src/tree-sitter-lang/semgrep-cpp/lib && /usr...
program.cpp:3:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Visual # Visual Studio Version 16 ^~~~ program.cpp:4:23: error: too many decimal points in number VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.31321.278 ^~~~ program.cpp:5:30: error: too many decimal points in number MinimumVisualStudioVersion...
@arturocremove the breakline in the shader code will make ainvalid preprocessing directiveERROR. @LuZhouhengremove !ofGLCheckExtension ("GL_ARB_geometry_shader4"). @arturocthanks for clarification, I always thought they were different extensions.. ...
linux打开文本文件命令提示错误 Linux中打开文本文件的命令通常是使用文本编辑器打开,例如常用的命令有 vi 、 vim 、 nano 等。如果在使用其中一个命令时出现错误提示,可能有以下几种原因和解决方法。 错误提示 2023-12-22 15:10:30 微辰金服介绍新中付POS提示读卡错误无效卡原因 新中付POS提示读卡错误无效卡...
11"unrecognizedpreprocessingdirective" 12"parsingrestartshereafterprevioussyntaxerror" 13"expectedafilename" 14"extratextafterexpectedendofpreprocessingdirective" 16"%sqisnotavalidsourcefilename" 17"expecteda\"]\"" 18"expecteda\")\"" 19"extratextafterexpectedendofnumber" 20"identifier%sqisundefined" 21"...
error: invalid preprocessing directive 问题解决 在Ubuntu下使用CMakelist 编译,遇到了这个问题。问题提示的很明显,要仔细看错误说明,不要着急。 error: invalid preprocessing directive 无效的预处理指令 解释:#include 是预编译的指令,告诉编译器该去什么路径下找文头件,并且展开。这里的include写成inclde。所以编译...
unrecognized preprocessing directive '#identifier' The compiler does not support the specified preprocessor directive. unrecognized token The compiler does not recognize the token as valid. Check for an extra U or L suffix in an integer constant. It is illegal to use $ and @ in identifiers. ...