针对你遇到的编译错误 error: #20: identifier "uint32_t" is undefined,这通常意味着编译器无法识别 uint32_t 类型。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 检查是否包含了正确的头文件: uint32_t 类型是在 <stdint.h> 头文件中定义的。确保你的代码中包含了这个头文件。例如: c #include ...
And thats the Error: /usr/local/cuda/include/cuda.h(22705): error: identifier "cuuint32_t" is undefined CUresult cuTensorMapEncodeIm2col(CUtensorMap *tensorMap, CUtensorMapDataType tensorDataType, cuuint32_t tensorRank, void *globalAddress, const cuuint64_t *globalDim, const cuuint64_t *...
uint32_tSPIrbyte(u8 board); ..\..\BSP\spi.h(40): error: #20: identifier"u8"is undefined uint32_tSPIrbyte(u8 board); ..\..\BSP\spi.h(41): error: #20: identifier"uint8_t"is undefined voidSPIwbyte(uint8_tparam,uint8_tMotor ); ..\..\BSP\spi.h(41): error: #20: identi...
C2061: syntax error : identifier 'uint32_t' [C:\projects\bitshares-core\bitshares-core\libraries\fc\fc.vcxproj] C:\projects\bitshares-core\bitshares-core\libraries\fc\include\fc/container/flat_fwd.hpp(17): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'uint32_t' [C:\projects\bitshares-core\...
usb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(45): error: #20: identifier "FALSE" is undefined 在stm32f103.h中添加 typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool; 就没有错误了
I downloaded and installed the sprc191 for peripherals. I imported an example project and as I built it, I got about 800 errors - all of them being -"identifier "uint16_t" is undefined". Can someone please tell me where I might be going wrong?
报错:Error[Pe020]: identifier “s” is undefined看上图,s肯定是已经定义了,为什么还会有这种报错。请小伙伴注意,如果这是c文件中声明的第一个函数,那么肯定是头文件出问题了。我这边回头查看头文件,没有报错。但是发现函数后面少了一个分号。加上去后解决了。...。
发现是头文件里#include"system.h" ,放在void TIM4_Init(u16 pre,u16 psc);下面所导致的
\usb_pwr.h(54): error: #20: identifier "bool" is undefinedusb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(511): error: #20: identifier "TRUE" is undefinedusb-driver\STM32_USB-FS-Device_DriverV3.1.1\src\usb_core.c(45): error: #20: identifier "FALSE" is undefined...
Dear sir, I'm trying to compile and run this repository on my Windows 10 machine. I've installed both CUDA 10 and Optix 5.1.1, added CUDA to the PATH correctly (I can use nvcc) and also set an OptiX_INSTALL_DIR environment variable with ...