error: cannot delete branch 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到 "error: cannot delete branch" 的错误时,这通常意味着在尝试删除一个 Git 分支时遇到了问题。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法,按照你的提示进行组织: 确认分支删除权限: 确保你有足够的权限来删除该分支。如果你是在一个团队项目中工作,可能需要管理员...
D:\Git\git-learning-course>git branch -d dev error: Cannot delete branch 'dev' checked out at 'D:/Git/git-learning-course'二、解决方案执行 代码语言:javascript 复制 git branch 命令, 查看当前分支信息 , 如下 :当前的分支是 dev ; 如果要删除 dev 分支 , 不能在 dev 分支下删除分支本身 , 需...
git branch -d dev 1. 命令, 即可完成分支 执行过程 : D:\Git\git-learning-course>git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 7 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) D:\Git\git-learning-course>git branch -d dev...
error: Cannot delete branch 'xxx' checked out 解决办法: 此错误是在git删除分支时报的错误,删除分支时,当前分支不能停留在要删除的分支上,要切换到其他任意分支,再去删除目标分支。参考:git删除本地分支 git删除远程分支
error: Cannot delete branch 'newone' checked out at 'E:/code/semantic-cloud' 删除分支报错 删除分支的时候碰到这种报错,找到的解决办法 解决办法 1.先创建一个分支(看别人这么干) 2.然后删除想删除的分支
问题:下载安装pytorch 0.4.0建立了一个github的branch build。死活用网上的方法 git checkout branchname git branch -d branchname 用这两条命令一直报错,说 error: Cannot delete the branch 'build' which you are currently on. 也在网上搜刮了N种解决办法,都木有用。例如git worktree prune ...
We have seen this failure a few times. Jenkins job failed with ERROR: Cannot delete workspace :Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters at post stage.
Internal server error: Failed to delete the organization permission. 500 SVCSTG.SWR.5000082 Internal server error: Failed to parse the JSON file. 404 SVCSTG.SWR.4040083 The requested URL cannot be found. 500 SVCSTG.SWR.5000084 Internal server error: Failed to obtain the service. 500 SVCSTG....
git branch-d feature1 命令, 删除 feature1 分支 , 报如下错误 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 D:\Git\git-learning-course>git branch-d feature1error:The branch'feature1'is not fully merged.If you are sure you want todeleteit,run'git branch -D feature1'. ...
On this page, you can directly select the Apply to Source Branch or Apply to Target Branch to select the modification of one party as the final repaired content. If the situation is complex and the problem cannot be solved by simple direct overwriting, click to enter the manual editing mode...