Error: 0x800f0922.Additionally, information that resembles the following is logged in the Component Based Servicing log (CBS.log):<DateTime>, Info CSI 00000029 Begin executing advanced installer phase 32 (0x00000020) index 11 (0x000000000000000b) (sequence 41) Old component: [l:0...
This article helps resolve the 0x800f0922 (CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED) error that occurs when installing Windows updates.When you install Windows updates, you receive the 0x800f0922 (CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED) error.In the CBS.log file, you see the following entries:Output...
执行Windows 10 升级时,出现以下错误消息: 0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED:处理高级安装程序和常规命令失败。 备注 此错误代码不特定于 .NET Framework。 若要解决此问题,请执行以下步骤: 打开.NET Framework 安装文件的文件夹。 打开“来源”文件夹。 右键单击 SXS文件夹,...
Error 0x800f0922 when installing IIS on Windows 10: “The changes couldn't be completed.” I had to uninstallWindows Process Activation Servicefeature first, reboot, then I was able to install IIS properly.
Error code 0x800F0922 suggests that the request for the installation of framework stopped working, has been denied or did not complete.
在重新安装iis的时候遇到这个错误, 发现是因为安装了WAS导致的,卸载掉WAS就可以安装iis了 Error 0x800f0922 when installing IIS on Windows 10: “The changes couldn't be completed.” I had to uninstallWindows Process Activation Servicefeature first, reboot, then I was able to install IIS properly....
Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed. Error: 0x800f0922. Additionally, information that resembles the following is logged in the Component Based Servicing log (CBS.log): <DateTime>, Info CSI 00000029 Begin executing advanced installer phase 32 (0x00000...
win10安装.net framework 3.5出现Error: 0x800f0922。 删除原来自己:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\下的文件(能删多少是多少),找一个已(或可以)安装net3.5 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET文件夹复制替换自己系统下该文件夹。然后开启程序和功能里面打开net3.5同时关闭4.5然后点
jimmyca15 changed the title Error 0x800f0922 enabling Windows Authentication on Nano Server Error 0x800f0922 during setup on Nano Server Oct 21, 2016 jimmyca15 added the Setup label Jan 18, 2017 cvandal commented Apr 20, 2017 I got this same error from DISM when using the microsoft/...
NET文件夹复制替换自己系统下该文件夹。然后开启程序和功能里面打开net3.5同时关闭4.5然后点确定 等待安装完毕此方法是解决,离线包,以及在线无法开启net。3.5的最好办法,我曾经在网上看到过无数的方法离线包安装,在线安装,以及镜像修复都没成功 只有这个办法成功了希望对你有用 ...