Error: 0x800f0922.Additionally, information that resembles the following is logged in the Component Based Servicing log (CBS.log):<DateTime>, Info CSI 00000029 Begin executing advanced installer phase 32 (0x00000020) index 11 (0x000000000000000b) (sequence 41) O...
Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4280 TID=14940 Failed processing package changes with session options - CDISMPackageManager::ProcessChangesWithOptions(hr:0x800f0922) 2017-10-09 13:43:28, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4280 TID=14940 Failed ProcessChanges. -...
win10安装.net framework 3.5出现Error: 0x800f0922。 删除原来自己:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\下的文件(能删多少是多少),找一个已(或可以)安装net3.5 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET文件夹复制替换自己系统下该文件夹。然后开启程序和功能里面打开net3.5同时关闭4.5然后点
The error: 0x800f0922 happens when trying to install .NET 3.5. I've tried using the command prompt to disable the services, rename the catalog and enable windows update services with no success. I've tried DISM.exe and have both tried installing .NET from downloading it and using windows...
(secs): 4294967295, download status: 0x0 (S_OK),reboot required: False, overall result:0x800f0922 (CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED) SQM: Upload requested for report: UpdateChange_Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Deployment-Server_Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Package~31bf3856ad364e35...
To fix error code 0x800F0922, try this: Open administrative Command Prompt. Run lodctr /R command. Once executed successfully, execute winmgmt.exe /RESYNCPERF command. Retry installing .NET Framework 3.5. If this doesn't works, try other suggestions mentioned in this fix: https://...
卸载了iis,重启操作系统 在重新安装iis的时候遇到这个错误, 发现是因为安装了WAS导致的,卸载掉WAS就可以安装iis了 Error 0x800f0922 when installing IIS on Windows 10: “The changes couldn't be completed.” I had to uninstallWindows Process Activation Servicefeature first, reboot, then I was able to...
卸载了iis,重启操作系统 在重新安装iis的时候遇到这个错误, 发现是因为安装了WAS导致的,卸载掉WAS就可以安装iis了 Error 0x800f0922 when installing IIS on Windows 10: “The changes couldn't be completed.” I had to uninstallWindows Process Activation Servicefeature first, reboot, then I was able to...
Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed. Error: 0x800f0922. Additionally, information that resembles the following is logged in the Component Based Servicing log (CBS.log): <DateTime>, Info CSI 00000029 Begin executing advanced installer phase 32 (0x000...
NET文件夹复制替换自己系统下该文件夹。然后开启程序和功能里面打开net3.5同时关闭4.5然后点确定 等待安装完毕此方法是解决,离线包,以及在线无法开启net。3.5的最好办法,我曾经在网上看到过无数的方法离线包安装,在线安装,以及镜像修复都没成功 只有这个办法成功了希望对你有用 ...