其中acer的部分本本需要手动设置BIOS密码才可以跳过安全启动。如图所示,进入BIOS后,需要用户设置一个BIOS登录密码,设置完成后,【Erase all Secure Boot Setting】选项才会从灰色变成可选。【Erase all Secure Boot Setting】选项就是移除全部安全启动设置。如果该选项不启动,acer本本启动过程中,会弹出安全提示框,无法进入...
把这一行 erase all secure boot setting (清楚安全引导协议) 给开启 就是 abled,这次开机就会正常进入的你的固态引导盘了。 75红45 初级粉丝 1 大哥救我 War5 初级粉丝 1 大哥还在不 终是楼兰不语 初级粉丝 1 大哥,我按照你的方法改了,开机还是出现这个紫色提示框咋搞 进击的菠萝包 初级粉丝 1 ...
重启完成后会自动进入未隐藏Bios界面,选择Administer Secure Boot 正常而言Enforce Secure Boot 选项,即第一选项为灰色,无法选中。 我们这里要将Erase all Secure Boot Setting及Restore Secure Boot to Factory Settings改为Enabled 即第二、第三选项。 随后使用F10保存并退出 第四步: 重启完成后再次执行第一、二步操...
灰色是可编辑,删之前secure boot mode下面的三个都是灰色可编辑,现在都编辑不了了,感觉凉了 ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于erase all secure boot setting的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及erase all secure boot setting问答内容。更多erase all secure boot setting相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
III. Creating a boot disk IV. Instructions for using HDDerase.exe V. FAQ I. Introduction HDDerase.exe is a DOS-based utility that securely erases “sanitizes” all data on ATA hard disk drives in Intel architecture computers (PCs). It offers the option to run the drive internal secure ...
An ATA Secure erase can work well (I use sometimes), but it usually requires a Linux boot disk and software, most times using the command line. Most average Mac users will not care for this option. Also, the ATA Secure Erase does not work on all Apple SSDs...it will usually work ...
Well, the operating system lends a helping hand in this regard. You can change the BIOS setting to erase the data on the drive from boot even if your computer or laptop is not working. You can do the same either during installation or with the use of the command window. ...
You might seek need to boot up your Mac with a USB drive to get around the problem and find the solution to it without seeking any external help. What if you cannot format USB on Mac? Although it sounds frustrating, we will help you resolve the issue of erasing the USB drive on your...
ClickSecure deviceto lock your phone and sign out of yourGoogleAccount. Erase device Note:Remotely erasing your phone will perform a factory reset to remove all data on your phone storage, including apps, app data, and settings. Some data—including personal information—may not ...