I restarted my computer, reinstalled the 12.62 print driver, chose the WF-3640 on the network and got the same failed result with the printer showing the 3.0 driver and not the 12.62 driver. I've gone through this process several times with the same failed result. I bought a new Mac Min...
WF-3620 WF-3640 Epson 用户指南说明书
由Officeworks 供货,澳洲包邮,亦可免费去店内自提! Epson爱普生 WorkForce WF-3640一体机,兼顾打印、复印、扫描三种功能,支持无线 802.11 b/g/n协议,省去了插线的麻烦,能够存储500张纸,3.5英寸的彩色触屏,更大更清楚,可以从苹果移动设 备上直接打印。支持双面和无边界打印。最高打印速度可达 19 ppm (黑白)或10...
印表機型號:Epson WorkForce WF-3640 這是用於安裝打印機和掃描儀驅動程序以及其他軟件以使用設備的所有功能的軟件。 正確安裝印表機驅動程式:請勿將印表機連接到電腦。首先開始安裝軟體。在安裝過程中,顯示器上會出現一則訊息,通知您何時將印表機連接到電腦。如果您在螢幕上看到「發現新硬體」訊息,請按一下「取消」並...
产品类型:喷墨多功能一体机 产品功能:打印/扫描/复印/传真 打印分辨率:4800x2400dpi 最大幅面:A4 打印速度:黑白约 35ppm,彩色约20ppm 接口:USB ;支持无线/有线网络打印 硬件ID: 【打印】USBPRINT\EPSONWF-3640_Series37C4 【扫描】USB\VID_04B8&PID_08B8&MI_00 ...
Epson Workforce WF-3640 All-In-One I love our new printer!! With the WIFI, I can print from my phone, tablet, or laptop without having to connect to the printer with a cable. It is so convenient. Our old InkJet only printed so if we needed to copy or fax we had to go to the...
|Epson Hp|Epson Workforce St4000|Epson Prjnter| **Optimized Print Quality and Longevity** The Printhead Print Head for Epson WF-3620, WF-3621, WF-3640, WF-3641, WF-7110, WF-7111, WF-7610, WF-7611, WF-7620, WF-7621, L1455 is a crucial component for maintaining the high-quality pr...
Epson Workforce WF-3640 All-In-One I love our new printer!! With the WIFI, I can print from my phone, tablet, or laptop without having to connect to the printer with a cable. It is so convenient. Our old InkJet only printed so if we needed to copy or fax w...
爱普生 EPSON WorkForce WF-3640DTWF 是一款支持自动双面打印、扫描、复印、传真的四合一多功能商用一体机,支持A4幅面打印,打印速度最高可达19张/秒;支持超大容量墨盒,黑色平均印量为2200页,节省打印成本;正面标配两个250页大容量纸盒以及8.8cm大触控液晶面板,实现轻松自由操控;借助 Wi-Fi 以及 Ethernet 网线接口还能...