epilepsy是一个英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“癫痫,癫痫症”。单词释义 英 [ˈepɪlepsi] 美 [ˈepɪlepsi] n. 癫痫,癫痫症 [ 复数 epilepsies ]短语搭配 temporal lobe epilepsy 颞叶癫痫 ; 颞叶癫疒间 ; 颞叶癫痫症 ; 颞叶癫 Intractable epilepsy 难治性癫痫 ; 顽固性癫痫 ; 性癫痫 ...
People withepilepsyand similar diseases can take pills to stabilize their condition. 癫痫病和类似疾病患者可吃药丸稳定病情. 《简明英汉词典》 Objective To investigate the clinical application of brain evoked potentials ( BEP ) in patients with psychomotorepilepsy. ...
癫痫(epilepsy)即俗称的“羊角风”或“羊癫风” 癫痫(epilepsy)即俗称的“羊角风”或“羊癫风”,癫痫病因复杂多样,包括遗传因素、脑部疾病、全身或系统性疾病等。是大脑神经元突发性异常放电,导致短暂的大脑功能障碍的一种慢性疾病。据中国最新流行病学资料...
The meaning of EPILEPSY is any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions.
造成脑部发射这类电脉冲信号的原因有很多,有时候是脑部结构出了问题,有时候结构没问题只是功能出了问题,这二者就归为“癫痫(Epilepsy)”。也有的时候既不是脑结构,也不是脑功能本身有问题,而是中毒、代谢异常对大脑产生了冲击,这就是另一码事儿了。 2
epilepsy Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia ep·i·lep·sy (ĕp′ə-lĕp′sē) n.pl.ep·i·lep·sies Any of various neurological disorders marked by sudden recurring attacks of motor, sensory, or cognitive dysfunction, with or without convulsive seizures or loss of consciousness. ...
Cardiovascular risk factors for epilepsy and dementia A new study using the UK Biobank database has shown that people with epilepsy are at an increased risk of developing dementia. The results demonstrate that this risk is multiplied in individuals who also have high cardiovascular risk, highlighting...
Epilepsy Causes Many things can cause epilepsy, though it is not always clear. In fact, in around half of epilepsy cases are idiopathic, meaning the cause is unknown. There are five general categories of epilepsy causes: Infection: A number of different brain infections can cause epilepsy. ...
Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a rare complication of epilepsy. In 1 year, 1 adult in 1,000 adults with epilepsy will have this complication. The risk of SUDEP increases if you have 3 or more generalized tonic-clonic seizures in 1 year. Your risk also increases if you ...