Epic是全球排名第1,美国最大的儿童电子书库,能让您无限制畅享超过40,000种优质英语童书。它就是您的孩子可以随身携带的无限图书馆! 美国有87%的小学都在使用Epic提供的阅读资源。在这里2-12岁的娃都可以在这里探索兴趣爱好,快速地、无限量地获取多达4万种学习资源如高质量电子书,有声书,学习视频,小测验等...
Epic是全球排名第1,美国最大的儿童电子书库,能让您无限制畅享超过40,000种优质英语童书。 它就是您的孩子可以随身携带的无限图书馆! 美国有87%的小学都在使用Epic提供的阅读资源。 在这里2-12岁的娃都可以在这里探索兴趣爱好,快速地、无限量地获取多达4万种学习资源如高质量电子书,有声书,学习视频,小测验等,...
Get Epic to explore 40K+ kids' books online, from classic storybooks to audiobooks, comics & more.
Get Epic to explore 40K+ kids' books online, from classic storybooks to audiobooks, comics & more.
Epic 是面向 12 岁及以下儿童的领先数字阅读平台!我们有趣、对儿童安全的交互式阅读应用程序可以让孩子们自由探索他们的兴趣,并可以随时随地访问包含数以千计书籍、有声读物、学习视频等的图书馆,从而激发好奇心和阅读信心。 立即下载应用程序并选择适合您的帐户。 对于家庭:史诗无限 Epic Unlimited 为家庭提供: - ...
Growing up a bookworm, I also want my kids to become book lovers. Reading, for me, is as important as breathing and eating, and it has a lot of benefits
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Read our Epic! Books review and learn how this app can help your child develop an epic love for reading! Download Epic! Books now available for both iOS (iPad and iPhone) and Android devices.
We rounded up the most epic books for kids we know every kid out there will want to reread again! Check our list!
Epic is the world’s largest digital library for kids! Our fun, kid-safe, interactive reading app fuels curiosity and reading confidence by letting kids freely e…