内容提示: CD-ROM 3052 - 1 Revision 0December 1996METHOD 3052MICROWAVE ASSISTED ACID DIGESTION OF SILICEOUS ANDORGANICALLY BASED MATRICES1.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION1.1 This method is applicable to the microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceousmatrices, and organic matrices and other complex matrices. ...
EPA 3052-1996由美国环保总局 US-EPA 发布于 1996-12。 EPA 3052-1996 硅质和有机基基质的微波辅助酸消解的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是EPA 3052-1996。 EPA 3052-1996的历代版本如下: 1996年EPA 3052-1996硅质和有机基基质的微波辅助酸消解 1.1 本方法适用于硅基质、有机基质及其他复杂基质的微波辅助酸消...
参考标准是 epa3052-1996文档标题:EPAGuidelines for Chromatographic Determination of Organic Compounds in Environmental Matrices 一、范围 本标准规定了使用色谱法测定环境基质中有机化合物的方法。该方法包括采样、制备、分析步骤、结果计算、表示、精密度和准确度,以及质量保证和质量控制的要求。本标准适用于环境空气...
内容提示: CD-ROM 3052 - 11 Revision 0December 19967.5.3 The multiple point calibration involves the measurement of absorbed powerover a large range of power settings. Typically, for a 600 W unit, the following power settingsare measured; 100, 99, 98, 97, 95, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, ...
EPA 3052-1996 适用范围 1.1 本方法适用于硅基质、有机基质及其他复杂基质的微波辅助酸消解。如果需要进行全分解分析(相对于目标分析物列表),则可以消解以下基质:灰烬生物组织、油、受油污染的土壤、沉积物、污泥和土壤。该方法适用于以下元素: 铝锑砷硼钡铍镉钙铬钴铜铁铅镁锰汞钼镍钾硒银钠锶铊钒锌 如果...
EPA3052(1996)含硅和有机基体材料的微波辅助酸消化法.pdf,METHOD 3052 MICROWAVE ASSISTED ACID DIGESTION OF SILICEOUS AND ORGANICALLY BASED MATRICES 1.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This method is applicable to the microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous
标准号:EPA 3052:1996 EPA 3050B:1996 EPA 6010D:2018 检测标准/方法:微波消解法、酸消解法、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 EPA 3052:1996 EPA 3050B:1996 EPA 6010D:2018 检测对象:电子电器产品 检测项目/参数:汞 相关标准 《GB/T12572-2008》无线电发射设备参数通用要求和测量方法 ...
CD-ROM 3052-2 Revision0December 1996Alternatively, for a specific set of reagent(s) combination(s),quantity,and specific vessel type, a cal ibration control mechanism can be developed simi lar to previous microwave methods(see Method 3051). Through cal ibration of the microwave power,vessel lo...
CD-ROM 3052-2 Revision0December 1996Alternatively, for a specific set of reagent(s) combination(s),quantity,and specific vessel type, a cal ibration control mechanism can be developed simi lar to previous microwave methods(see Method 3051). Through cal ibration of the microwave power,vessel lo...
EPA 3052:1996 METHOD 3052 MICROWAVE ASSISTED ACID DIGESTION OF SILICEOUS AND ORGANICALLY BASED MATRICES 1.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION 1.1This method is applicable to the microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous matrices, and organic matrices and other complex matrices. If a total decomposition ...