立即开始免费使用 3 个月很抱歉... 你尝试注册的服务不可用,因为请求中包含的促销代码无效或已被使用。 有关详细信息,请联系为你提供此服务链接的 Microsoft 合作伙伴或 Microsoft 销售代理。 Technical details SID: 4efb7f79-7da2-4726-a860-d996b9097370 cV: ohtUAyqX1Q//kQSteFOKRS.0.1你...
$e5Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'SPE_E5' Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "belindan@litwareinc.com" -AddLicenses @{SkuId = $e5Sku.SkuId} -RemoveLicenses @() 此範例會將SPE_E5 (Microsoft 365 E5) 和 EMSPREMIUM (ENTERPRISE MOBILITY + SECURITY E5...
Two Microsoft 365 plans are offered for enterprise customers’ information workers: Microsoft 365 E3 and Microsoft 365 E5. Both plans provide customers with a comprehensive set of productivity and security capabilities, while Microsoft 365 E5 provides the latest and most advanced innovations in security...
Frontline Worker Plans Windows 11 Microsoft 365 Office 365 Pro (for reference) Enterprise E3 Enterprise E5 F1 F1 (no Teams)1 F3 F3 F5 F5 F5 (no Teams)1 Security3 Compliance3 Sec+Comp3 2 Requires Microsoft 365 F1/F3 (or Office 365 F3 and Enterprise Mobility + Security E3). 3 Not ...
$e5Sku=Get-MgSubscribedSku-All| Where SkuPartNumber-eq'SPE_E5'Set-MgUserLicense-UserId"belindan@litwareinc.com"-AddLicenses@{SkuId =$e5Sku.SkuId}-RemoveLicenses@() 此範例會將SPE_E5(Microsoft 365 E5) 和EMSPREMIUM(ENTERPRISE MOBILITY + SECURITY E5) 指派給使用者belindan@li...
License for Microsoft Intune Standalone or as part of Enterprise Mobility+ Security E3/5, Microsoft Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3/5, or F1/F3 Add-on license for remote help for users and helpers Windows 10/11 including Windows 365 Cloud PC. ...
While on the topic of licensing and bundles, the coming "Secure Productive Enterprise" E3 and E5 Windows 10 bundles -- which consist of Windows 10 Enterprise, Office 365, and its newly-renamed Enterprise Mobility + Security suite -- also will include some licensing rights for on-premises...
Feature comparison Two Microsoft 365 plans are offered for enterprise customers’ information workers: Microsoft 365 E3 and Microsoft 365 E5. Both plans provide customers with a comprehensive set of productivity and security capabilities, while Microsoft 365 E5 provides the latest and most advanced innov...
An Enterprise Mobility + Security service plan, specifically A3, A5, E3, E5, G3, or G5. Note that Department of Defense (DoD) and Government Community Cloud (GCC) subscriptions aren't supported at this time. For more information, refer toMicrosoft Edge enterprise sync FAQ. ...
Microsoft 365 E5 Microsoft 365-appar för företag Office 365 E5 med Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS)Stegvisa labbuppgifterDu får utföra flera labbuppgifter för olika distributions- och hanteringsscenarier med detaljerad vägledning. Labbarna stöder de senaste versionerna av...