The population of Nepal is 30 millionThe population of children below the age of 14 year is 34.6%. There is still a big population (30.9%) who are under the line of poverty. ENT- related diseases in children is major outdoor burden in pediatric population. Fortunately the mortality is ...
Discover the world of paediatric vestibular assessment and management from the team at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, which is revolutionising services in this field. Dizziness and balance problems generate significant morbidity in children of all age groups. Vestibular disorders are... Audiological...
The wards and operation rooms are commonly located in the same building, but on different floors (83/120).There is currently no uniform hospitalization strategy for postoperative care of children who undergo typical otorhinolaryngologic interventions in Germany....
Bacteriological Pattern of Otitis media among Children Attending the ENT Unit of University of Benin Teaching HospitalOrhue O. PEhidiamen G. NMomoh A. R. M
(2) Population of children: premature infants being cared for in a neonatal intensive care or special care nursery; children admitted to hospital in the period from discharge after birth episode to 5 years of age; children admitted to hospital from 6 to 12 years of age; children admitted to...
Accidental ingestion of coins by children: management at the ENT Department of the Joao XXIII Hospital. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2006;72:470-4.T-PING C,NUNES CA,GUIMARAES GR,et al.Accidental ingestion of coins by children:management at the ENT Department of the Jo觔o XXIII Hospital. Braz J ...