The workshops were held in May and June 2014 with 74 participants, producing approximately 148 fish illustrations of the Pantanal and Amazon basins. Historical aspects, leading illustrators and techniques used for the representation of the fish, which served for the ...
recent research has demonstrated that science textbooks have a determining role in curricular organization and that teachers use them to compose their classes, activities, and exams. the national programs for high school curriculum parameters (pcnem) has
Evaluations in high school s were conducted with 675 students (organized in pairs or groups) from private and federal public schools from the Rio de Janeiro State.The same evaluation wasconductedwith 630 students fromthe first semester of Biomedical careers froma Federal Public University of the ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现【按需印刷】POR Ensino de Biologia Baseado no Contexto的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于【按需印刷】POR Ensino de Biologia Baseado no Contexto的信息,请来淘宝深入了解
A teoria da evoluo biológica no ensino de biologia em produes científicas nacionaisdoi:10.6008/CBPC2318-3047.2022.001.0008BIOLOGICAL evolutionEDUCATIONAL technologyTEACHING methodsBIOLOGICAL variationBIOLOGY educationConsidering the importance of contents related to the origi...
A MODELIZAO EM GENTICA E BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR: ENSINO DE MITOSE COM MASSA DE MODELAR Modelling in genetics and molecular biology: mitosis teaching with modelling doughRenato Moul
(organized in pairs or groups) fromprivateand federalpublicschoolsfrom theRio de JaneiroState.Thesame evaluation wasconductedwith630 studentsfromthe firstsemesterofBiomedical careers fromaFederal Public University of the State of the Rio de Janeiro.The results with all thestrategies utilized showed that...
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Airesrevista electrónica de investigación en educación en cienciasDE CICCO, R.; VARGAS EP (2012). As Doencas Sexualmente Transmissiveis em livros didaticos de biologia: aportes para o ensino de ciencias. In: Revista Electronica de ...
Sequência didática usando jogos virtuais para o ensino de biologia no ensino remoto: um relato de experiênciadoi:10.48017/dj.v8i4.2494EDUCATIONAL gamesDISTANCE educationVIDEO gamesTEACHER trainingLESSON planningThe use of varied teaching tools, whether in person or virtually, make...
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a fieldwork study conducted in a Basic Education school in the city of So Paulo. The focus is on the teaching of evolution, with an emphasis on the perspectives of a biology teacher who also holds religious beliefs. The ...