Abstract Surprising Reaction of 5-(Phenylthio)- and 5-(Methylthio)pent-2-en-4-inal with HCl Contrary to expectations ( Scheme 1 ), 5-(phenylthio)-(1a) as well as 5-(methylthio)pent-2-en-4-inal (1b) react with a slight excess of HCl to give 2-[bis(phenylthio)methy...
vocabularyFrench vocabularycontinuous speech recognitionerror rate reductionlarge vocabulary speech recognitionmultiple lexical fillersout-of-vocabulary word modelingsingle pass recognition systemIn large vocabulary speech recognition, out-of-vocabulary words are an important cause of errors. We describe a ...
Wieland, HeinrichChemisches Laboratorium der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu MünchenLiebig, RichardChemisches Laboratorium der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu MünchenWILEY‐VCH VerlagJustus Liebigs Annalen Der ChemieWieland, H, Liebig, R (1944) Über die Pigmente der Schmetterlings...
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Sodium hydrideCα -Permethylation may be carried out by addition of a basesensitive ketone like cyclopentanone to the inexpensive and stable mixture of sodium hydride and dimethyl sulfate. Exhaustive C α -ethylation is exemplified with sodium hydride by simultaneous introduction of ketone 4 and ...
Opening of the three-membered ring of spiro[2.4]hepta-4,6-diene ( 1 ) by Fe 2 (CO) 9 and CO insertion leads to the bridged η 1 -acyl-η 5 -cyclopentadienyl complex 3 , which with additional Fe 2 (CO) 9 via the labile intermediate 6 forms the dinuclear methylfulvene complex 4 ...
Dipl.-Ing. R. EhrhardtDr.-Ing. S. SiebertMaterialwissenschaft Und WerkstofftechnikH. Berns, R. Ehrhardt, and S. Siebert: Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. , 27 (1996) pp. 25–36.Berns, H. ; Erhardt, R. ; Siebert, S. : Einsatzhärten mit Stickstoff für nichtrostende Wälzlager und ...
Uumlbergangsmetallfreie ReaktionenA practical method for ring opening of various indoles and benzofurans with concomitant stereoselective silylation using read‐ily generated (diphenyl‐tert‐butylsilyl)lithium to provide ortho‐β‐silylvinyl anilines or phenols is presented. Dearomatization of the ...
Mangerig 2012] Mangerig, I.; Wagner, R.; Burger, S.; Wurzer, O.; Zapfe, C.: Zum Einsatz von Betondübeln im Verbund-bau (Teil 2) – Nichtruhende Beanspruchung. Ernst & Sohn, Stahlbau 81, Heft 1; S. 26-31, January 2012....