大名鼎鼎的开山之作Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator四个谷歌老哥列在一起就问你怕不怕。encoder使用的自家GoogleNet,decoder使用的LSTM,这个方向的很多论文参考必有这篇,虽然性能在现在看来并不算太好(但可以看下里面和当年的那些方法的效果对比),但是有了这篇,这个方向才有了现在这么多的关注。...
Image-Captioning CNN-Encoder and RNN-Decoder (Bahdanau Attention) for image caption or image to text onMS-COCOdataset. Task Description Given an image like the example below, our goal is to generate a caption such as "a surfer riding on a wave". ...
Image Caption Generator With Transformers This repository contains code for generating captions for images using a Transformer-based model. The model used is the VisionEncoderDecoderModel from the Hugging Face Transformers library, specifically the nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning model. Installation ...
Image captioning aims at generating meaningful verbal descriptions of a digital image. This domain is rapidly growing due to the enormous increase in available computational resources. The most advanced methods are, however, resource-demanding. In our paper, we return to the encoder–decoder deep-lea...