1998. Caract´erisation d'une mosa¨ique foresti`ere et de sa dynamique en forˆet tropicale humide sempervirente. Biotropica 30:251-260.Riera, B., Pellissier, R. & Houllier, F. (1998). Caracterisation d'une mosaique forestiere et de sa dynamique en foret tropicale humide sempervi...
The presence of ethyl acrylate favorizes the polyester yarn impregnation with size B in aqueous solution. Adhesion in the dry state is mainly caused by acrylic acid. Finally the action of neutralizing agents and imbeding oils is discussed....
(1969). Preparation et caracterisation de polymeres-modele a structure en etoile, par copolymerisation sequencee anion- ique. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 3379.Worsfold D J,Zilliox J G,Rempp P.Preparation et caracterisation de polymeres-modele a structure en etoile, par copolymerisation ...
Phloem Necrosis of the trunk of the rubber tree in Ivory Coast: 1. Symptomatology and biochemical characteristics. External and internal symptoms of this disease affecting the lower part of the trunk of Hevea brasiliensis are described. Data on necrosis spread in the tissue and on comparative ...