An account of the demand and provision for courses in robotics at sub-degree level in the 1980s. The basic hypothesis, that there is a mismatch between training needs in robotics, and the supply of courses to meet those needs, is examined by means of a survey of robot users, suppliers ...
Tabacchi, RaffaeleInstitut de Chimie de l'Université, Avenue de Bellevaux 51, 2002 NeuchâtelGarnero, JeanLaboratoires de Recherches des Etablissements Robertet & Cie, Grasse/FranceBuil, PierreLaboratoires de Recherches des Etablissements Robertet & Cie, Grasse/France...
Cáncer. Factores de riesgo. Estudio de cohortes. España., Artículobackground: the drece iii study is based on the follow up of a cohort representative of the spanish general population. the mortality, its main causes and relevant risk factors have been analyzed. methods: the drece ...
Nutritional intake of vitamin A, C and E are over the RDA paramaters suggesting an healthy nutritional status that must be confirmed and ratify by biochemical assessement. Nutritional densities were higher in female gender than in males in vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene possibly due to a ...
Niosomes are vesicles formed by self-assembly of non-ionic surfactants. In this investigation, the effects of processing variables, particularly temperature and sonication, on the physical characteristics and phase transitional behaviour of two niosomal systems based on a hexadecyl diglycerol...
Ramos JM, Masiá M, Padilla S, Escolano C, Bernal E, Gutiérrez F (2011) Enfermedades importadas y no importadas en la población inmigrante. Una década de experiencia desde una unidad de enfermedades infecciosas. Enf Infecc Microbiol Clin 29:185–192...