内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50470-1:2006Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) —Part 1: General requirements, tests and test conditions — Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C)The European Standard EN 50470-1:2006 has the status of a British StandardICS 91.140.50??? 文档格式...
电学计量设备(a.c.).第1部分:一般要求,试验和试验条件.测量设备(等级指数A,B和C) Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) Part 1: General requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C) 被代替 EN 50470-1:2006 ...
en_50470_1 下载积分: 100 内容提示: EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM October 2006 ICS 91.140.50 English version Electricity metering equipment (ax.) Part 1: General requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C) Equipement de comptage d...
EN 50470-1:2006+A1:2018 引用标准 EN 50470-2 EN 50470-3 购买 正式版 该欧洲标准适用于交流电能计量设备的通用要求、测试和试验条件,特别适用于精度级别为A、B和C的计量设备。其他标准EN 50470-1:2006 电学计量设备(a.c.).第1部分:一般要求,试验和试验条件.测量设备(等级指数A,B和C) EN...
标准号:EN 50470-1:2006/ 检测标准/方法:电学计量设备(交流电).第1部分:一般要求、试验和试验条件 (等级指数A、B和C) EN 50470-1:2006/ 6.3.4 检测对象:电能表 检测项目/参数:交变湿热 相关标准 引用标准 《EN 50470-2-2006》 《 EN 50470-3-2006》 ...
BS_EN_50470-1-2006 电学计量设备(a.c.).一般要求、试验和试验条件.测量设备(等级指数A、B和C).pdf,
ANGUI-ORG-BS EN 50470-1-2006
标准号:GB/T 17215.211-2006 IEC 62052-11(Edition 1.1):2016 EN 50470-1:2006 检测标准/方法:交流电测量设备 特殊要求 第11部分:机电式有功电能表(0.5、1和2级) GB/T 17215.211-2006 IEC 62052-11(Edition 1.1):2016 EN 50470-1:2006 7 检测对象:机电式交流电能表 ...
(class indexes A, B and C) The European Standard EN 50470-1:2006 has the status of a British Standard ICS 91.140.50 BS EN 50470-1:2006 National foreword This British Standard was published by BSI. It is the UK implementation of EN 50470-1:2006. The UK participation in its preparation...
EN 50470-1:2006 Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) — Part 1: General requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C) EN 50470-2:2006 Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) — Part 2: Particular requirements — Electromechanical meters for active en...