4. Hailie’s Song这首歌是在superman之后的,所以我听专辑的时候听到都震惊了。。这首歌是他抢到Hailie监护权的时候唱的,Em执意要唱歌,唱出来对女儿的爱but when I see my babysuddenly I’m not crazyIt all makes sense when I look into her eyes看到Hailie,Em就会平静,看着女儿的眼睛,什么烦恼都没有了...
Look Look Now while he tries to stand tough Notice that this man did not have his hands up This free worlds got you gassed up Now who's afraid of the big bad wolf 1, 2, 3 and to the 4 1 Pac , 2 Pac, 3 Pac, 4 4 Pac, 3 Pac, 2 Pac, 1 You're Pac, He's Pac, No ...
"60 Minutes" andCNN's Anderson Coopermet up with him in his home town Detroit, in order to find out how a white kid who never made it past the ninth grade was able to propel himself to the top of a predominantly African American art form. 60 Minutes Overtime: Eminem & Anderson Coope...
"Little Eric" who "jumps off the terrace" can beEric Clapton’s son who fell out a window to his death, which would match the cruel laughs on the same song, 2000’s "Who Knew," directed for no responsible reason at Christopher Reeve and Sonny Bono. It can also be Eric Harris of ...
It all makes sense when I look into her eyes Somtimes it feels like the world's on my shoulders Everyone's leaning on me Cos sometimes it feels like the world's almost over But then she come back to mMy baby girl (hailey laughs) keeps gettin' older I watch her grow up with pride...
Buck them damn triggersCharge us, bodies fill up them damn riversCause everybody wanna be the best rapper aliveBut I only like dead rappersCompare me to the best rappers who diedAnd you rappers I used to look up to ShadyTheWayIam 人气楷模 13 I gotta cancel you nowLike Simon Cowell, ...