I love to carry a question with me, akin to the way my grandfather used to carry a worry stone, a smooth rock with a thumb-sized groove on one side in his pocket, a stone to rub as soul solace and soothing gesture. For me, it’s a question I rub with my heartmind throughout t...
Yoga can help you cope with the physical and emotional changes experienced throughout pregnancy, and it can also prepare both body and mind for birth. Within the comforting and supportive environment of our group classes, you are invited to develop community and friendship, to connect with people...
Where present touch becomes the instrument for healing to happen - |In the world today we have disconnected and mostly lost touch with our body - the temple we live in. The collective issue of trauma that we are having to address today is fundamentally a disconnect from the body - fragmen...
aIf our analysis is deep enough and our time-perspective long enough, if we hold in mind all the various possibilities that other cultures hint at or fully embody, it is possible to say that to the extent that either sex is disadvantaged, the whole culture is poorer, and the sex that, ...
The effect of being caught in the pull of the vrittis is that the individual is drawn into the mistaken belief that the vrittis themselves define an ultimate reality. The individual ego-mind, the personal concept of self, adopts the erroneous belief that it is the ultimate observer, when in...
body in scientific discourse: a product of the dualisms of Cartesian thought and the certrality of rationality in modernist science,the female body becomes a metaphor for the corporeal pole of the dualitsm,representing nature, emotionality, irrationality and sensuality. gender and body/mind dicho...
“We realize that we are not just helping our clients with chores, personal care, and transportation, but we’re helping them age with dignity in their homes—which also provides “peace of mind” to their spouses and/or children,” he said. ...
Breathing your consciousness into your body with gentle mindful attention unites your body and mind. This helps you to heal and empower yourself. Collective fear release technique – intermediate level: Imagine that your hands are your hands of light. When you use your hands to clear energy, ...
performance is not as explicit as an actor’s social improvisations. Here, the very nature of self-representation and creative originality are up for debate — often bringing to mind Shirley Clarke’s 1962 masterpiece, The Connection — asking us whether the greatest trick being performed is act...
Because of the rigorous discipline of the mind that it requires, it is usually considered to be an advanced step in the monastic career, only found in the Mahāyāna tradition. During the ceremony, the already ordained bhikṣuṇī (or bhikṣu) takes ten major and forty-eight minor ...