Prodigy161points 感谢指导,我也在独立使用EMB1428,也遇到了问题,请赐教! 1.如您描述连接了硬件,还是无法用示波器观察到SDO引脚的波形,尽管已经在SDI上测到单片机发送的命令,也无法测到电荷泵升高的电压和CEXT1,CEXT2引脚上的方波,我测试时仅提供了电池组的电压到vstack,未在阵列开关前连接电芯组(即电芯输入悬空...
2)用EM1402的评估板,自己焊接EMB1428和EMB1499主动均衡部分,CPU发出去的是0x10,EMB1428返回的为0xA1,感觉通信部分应该没错,但是CELL switch对应的MOS管并没有打开,量参考设计C46两端的电压为0. 说明CELL SWITCH 和POLARITY SWITCH均没有动作,否则C46两端的电压应该为电池组中一节电池的电压。 3.故障fault[3:0]...
EMB1499Q双向电流DC /DC控制器IC与EMB1428开关矩阵栅极驱动器IC配合使用,支持TI基于开关矩阵的有源电池平衡方案电池管理系统。 EMB1499Q为双向正激转换器提供三个PWM MOSFET栅极信号,使其输出电流(正或负)可在用户定义的幅度范围内调节。该电感电流由EMB1428通过开关矩阵引导至需要充电或放电的电池。在典型方案中,基于...
The EMB1499Q bidirectional current dc/dc controller IC works in conjunction with the EMB1428 switch matrix gate driver IC to support TI’s switch matrix based active cell balancing scheme for a battery management system. The EMB1499Q provides three PWM MOSFET gate signals to a bidirectional forwa...
is regulated around a user-defined magnitude. This inductor current is channeled by the EMB1428 through the switch matrix to the cell that needs to be charged or discharged. In a typical scheme, the EMB1499Q-based forward converter exchanges energy between a single cell and the battery stack ...
IC works in conjunction with the EMB1428 switch matrix gate driver IC to support TI’s switch matrix based active cell balancing scheme for a battery management system. The EMB1499Q provides three PWM MOSFET gate signals to a bidirectional forward converter so that its output current, ei...
IC works in conjunction with the EMB1428 switch matrix gate driver IC to support TI’s switch matrix based active cell balancing scheme for a battery management system. The EMB1499Q provides three PWM MOSFET gate signals to a bidirectional forward converter so that its output current, ei...
is regulated around a user-defined magnitude. This inductor current is channeled by the EMB1428 through the switch matrix to the cell that needs to be charged or discharged. In a typical scheme, the EMB1499Q-based forward converter exchanges energy between a single cell and the battery stack ...
在使用中,1499由1428使能,检测到的故障情况通过DONE和Fault引脚传递给1428。下图是我们抄了很久的结构图。在这个方案中,基于EMB1499Q的正激转换器在单个电池与其所属的电池组之间交换能量,最大堆电压高达60V,开关频率固定为250kHz。 在某些人看来,1499起到的控制DONE和Fault管脚的作用可以忽略不计,而电池电压、电流...