61+ Names and Nicknames for ELYTRA: Haha Wings Go Brrrrr (+7), Red Bull (+6), Jetpack (+5), I believe i can fly (+4), KFC hotwings (+3), ️ for games, characters, fonts. Copy, paste ELYTRA at nickname.soshareit.com.
[project.configurations.shadowCommon] classifier "dev-shadow" relocate 'com.llamalad7.mixinextras', "nl.enjarai.doabarrelroll.mixinextras" // ensure repackaged packages have unique names } remapJar { input.set shadowJar.archiveFile dependsOn shadowJar classifier null } jar { classifier "...
tp-plus/src/main/java/com/elytradev/tpp/CommandTPP.java / Jump to Code definitions CommandTPP Class getName Method execute Method teleportToDimension Method getUsage Method getTabCompletions Method isUsernameIndex Method getRequiredPermissionLevel Method Code navigation index up-to-date Go to ...