Elon Musk那个惊世的Hyperloop 回归了!| 现在这事儿由成立于去年的Hyperloop Transportation Technologies接手了,该公司的运作模式非常另类,选择了JumpStartFund这样的众包平台组织公司资源,每个员工被允诺的是公司未来盈利。在盈利前,他们都只是志愿效力。 OElon Musk那个惊世的Hyperloop 回归了! by@Chloe的说 ...
Elon Musk is a Business Magnate and the founder of SpaceX, who is best known as the co-founder, the CEO of Tesla Inc. He is known for being the key member of PayPal, Hyperloop, SolarCity, OpenAI, The Boring Company, Neuralink, and Zip2. Maybe you know about Elon Musk very well Bu...
当人们为Elon Musk的Hyperloop"超级环“兴奋时,还有一个新闻也很值得关注,土耳其和夏威夷的科学团队成功在克隆出了荧光兔子,就是说离人类可以干预基因,改变自身又近了一步。。。生命好像越来越把握在我们自己手上,但如何使用依然是对传统道德的挑战。 ...
Hyperloop, the transportation brainchild of Tesla boss Elon Musk, which plans to take you from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes, could be be free to use.
当伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)公布他的 Hyperloop 高速列车设想时,似乎没有人知道下一步该怎么做。 伊隆是特斯拉汽车公司和 SpaceX 公司的首席执行官,当时他放出一份 57 页长的概念设想文件,表示自己没有时间来兴建这个革命性的运输系统——用传输舱装载着乘客,以超过 800 英里/小时(约 1300 公里/小时)的速度,在...
上周末,SpaceX在它位于洛杉矶的总部举办了一场Hyperloop模型挑战赛“Hyperloop Pod Competition”,这是Hyperloop理念在2012年被Elon Musk提出以来,对其最新技术和研发成果的一次大规模展示。30个来自不同国家的队伍带来了自己的设计方案,并在搭建好的1英里长的轨道上进行展示。Elon Musk本人也现身了比赛现场。
The article explores the reasons why South African billionaire Elon Musk can dream big and think up genuinely unique, progressive ideas to better their industries and therefore the world. These includes the fact that he reads a lot as a child, he has the money to do it, he has got ...
Butlike many of Musk’s ideas, this one wasproven wrong. Today—after more than a billion dollars of investment burned by nine startups and Musk himself—the only loops you can do where Musk’s Hyperloop once stood are donuts. The test loop has reportedly beenturned into a parking lot,...