1、Elements and Compounds(元素與化合物)Relative (相對) abundance (豐度) of different elementsDifferences between compound (化合物) and mixture (混合物)Some definitions (定義)nElement (元素) e.g. hydrogen, oxygen A pure substance containing one kind of atoms only.nCompound (化合物) e.g. ...
Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Elements • An element is a pure substance (only 1 type of particle) that cannot be separated into simpler subs..
Elements,compoundsandmixtures WHATISANELEMENT?Anelementis…•materialmadeofjustonetypeofatom •Asubstancethatcannotbeseparatedorbrokendownintosimplersubstancesbychemicalmeans Whatarethe3mostabundantelementsthatmakeuptheearth?•Oxygen•Iron•silicon answer Compositionoftheearth Whatare3mostcommonelementsthat...
Elements and Compounds(共22张PPT)ElementsandCompounds(元素與化合物)Relative(相對)abundance(豐度)ofdifferentelements Differencesbetweencompound(化合物)andmixture(混合物)Somedefinitions(定義)Element(元素)e.g.hydrogen,oxygenApuresubstancecontainingonekindofatomsonly.Compound(化合物)e.g.water,sodiumchloride Apure...
Examples of Compounds • Table Salt: NaCl • Water: H2O • Vinegar: CH3COOH • Carbon Dioxide: CO2 • Baking Soda: NaHCO3 • Sugar: C12H22O11 Compounds vs Elements • COMPOUNDS • Salt: a safe seasoning for you to eat. • ELEMENTS • Sodium: soft, silvery white metal that...
元素 compound = two or more elements chemically combined 2个或更多元素化学的合并,比如H2O, KCl mixture = two or more elements and/or compounds physically mixed together 2个或更多element/compound混合起来(不是化学物质),比如空气是N2, O2, CO2等各气体的mixture ...
Lesson1ElementsandCompounds Allmatteriscomposedofbasicsubstancescalledelements.Anelementcannotbebrokendownintosimplerunitsbychemicalreactions;itcontainsonlyonekindofatom.Anatomisthesmallestcharacteristicunitofanelement.Acompoundisasubstancethatcanbesplitintotwoormoreelements.Waterisacompoundbecauseitcanbesplitintoits...
Personalized medications aren’t just limited to human beings. In fact, we also compound a wide variety of non-sterile compounds for our Veterinary patients. We compound a wide multitude of flavored capsules, chews, suspensions, and much more for pets. We will work with your Veterinarian to en...
componentandconstituentmay designate any of the substances (whether elements or compounds) or the qualities that enter into the makeup of a complex product;componentstresses its separate entity or distinguishable character. thecomponentsof a stereo system ...
This paper mainly introduces the geochemical features of mercury and mercuric compounds, and thermal - release mercurometric method. 简要介绍了汞及其化合物的地球化学性质和RG-1型热释测汞仪。补充资料:超导元素及合金和化合物 到目前为止,人们已发现在正常压力下有28种元素、约5000种合金和化合物具有超导...