The ultimate loads for acute wedge are obtained based on the unified slip line theory and the unified strength theory(UST).The strength difference effect(SD effect) and the intermediate principal stress effect are taken into account in this solution.The solution based on Tresca,Mises and Mohr-Cou...
Acute ischemic stroke is of great clinical and societal importance due to its high incidence and mortality rates, as well as the fact that those who are affected suffer from permanent acquired disability. Modern trends explicitly state that the disease's diagnostic plan should...
The κ deleting element (κDE) located 24 kb downstream of the Cκ gene segment mediates the deletion of Cκ and the Jκ-Cκ Intron enhancer, which results in allelic exclusion of the immunoglobulin κ light chain locus. We here report that the κDE can recombine to each recombination ...
Vallejo Valdezate LA, Delgado VM, Hidalgo A, Gil-Carcedo E, Gil- Carcedo LM, Montoya F. Modelado de la geometria del conducto auditivo externo mediante el metodo de los elementos finitos. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2006;57:82---9....
After 24聽h, bis selenide at doses of 25 and 50聽mg/kg was administered to rats by intragastric route, and 1聽h later, the animals were submitted to behavior tasks. The effects of acute administration of bis selenide on memory were evaluated by social recognition, step-down passive ...
The educational program ED-Elas2D works in the Windows system and it is characterized by its interactivity and graphic utilities.doi:10.1080/03043799808923502SUáREZ, BENJAMIacuteBLANCO, ELENAGIL, LLUíSZAPATA, PEREO?ATE, EUGENIOTaylor & Francis GroupEuropean Journal of Engineering Education...
To date, no data have been presented predicting the relapse-free survival of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients based on the level of trace elements in the serum. This prospective cohort study had the following objectives: (i) to quantify essential trace elements in the serum of AML ...
The purposes of this study were to observe the kinetics of pulmonary inflammation during and after CuO NP sub-acute inhalation exposure and to investigate copper (Cu) biodistribution and clearance rate from the exposure site and homeostasis of selected trace elements in secondary organs of BALB/c ...
The main goal of the present study is to obtain a better understanding of the kinase signaling pathways active in ALL cells and to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention, To identify active signaling pathways in ALL we have used kinase activity arrays containing 1024 peptides ...
A. Denayer, Automatic generation of finite element meshes. Comput. Strcuctures 9 , 359–364 (1978) MATH View ArticleDenayer, A (1978), 'Automatic Generation of Finite Element Meshes', Comp. Struct, 9, 359-364.A. Denayer, “Automatic Generation of Finite Element Meshes,” Computers & ...