Additional fields are associated with EM items and required for their processing. They are included in the electronic message processing of the OnlineInvoicing (Indian online invoicing) type that is used to interoperate with the IRP system and are imported into the system by using a package of ...
EMD Refer Document Document Cost Refer Document auction sale of electronic total station; make & model: trimble, 3603 dr; (in scrapped condition) hsn code :- 85 note:- all bidders should inspect the material before bidding, no queries will be entertained at later stage. ...
Laws 2022, 11, 54 vices/bracelets 500 items, for the pilot phase—0.275 mil. Euros. As the EMIS depends on some SNSEC 112 (Single national system for emergency calls) resources, the legislative regulation aims to simplify the route of alerts by eliminat- ing from it the single emergency ...