If you live in the Toledo Edison service area, you can choose any of the energy suppliers that operate in northwest Ohio. You can enter your ZIP code on our Choose Energy website to see what is available. Among providers available there are Constellation Energy and Direct Energy. Once you ...
Pennsylvania Power Company, Ohio Edison Company, the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, the Toledo Edison Company, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company; Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Amendments to Facility Operating LicensesThe U.S. Nucle...
Toledo hospital rebuffed in court bid. Reports on Toledo, Ohio judge's rejection on Riverside Hospital's request for a temporary restraining order to block the city's new health plan. Riverside's lawsuit against the city and its bidding agent Cooperative Health Network for un... MC Jaklevic...
Pennsylvania Power Company, Ohio Edison Company, the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, the Toledo Edison Company, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company; Notice of Partial Withdrawal of Application for Amendment to Facility Operating LicenseThe U.S....
Pennsylvania Power Company, Ohio Edison Company, OES Nuclear, Inc., The Cleveland Electric, Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company, Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company, (Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2), (Davis-Besse Nuclear Power St...