Sorcerer Rogier - Rogier can be found in the Castle of the Storm Shroud in Limgrave. Yura, the Bloodfinger Hunter - Yura will appear in Limgrave, helping you fight the invader, Nejuris. Wounded - The Witch Wound will be located in her tower in Lake Liurnia, behind the Manor Estate. ...
elden ring 艾尔登法环 罗杰尔 菈妮 D 语音合集 老头环 杀了D再把掉的铠甲交给他兄弟会怎样 熊嗝鸽 【艾尔登法环】D哥死之前睡得很安稳的D弟 虚野勘繰郎 1.4万2 【艾尔登法环】虽然但是……真的很涩…… 芋圆奶冻加红豆 6.2万3 01:26
The mask of the set can be obtained from a bridge in the northern limgrave where you’ll find the Nomadic merchant. The mask can be bought for 1500 runes from the merchant. The rest of the armor is found at the Stormveil castle. After getting through the main gate of the castle, tur...
P犬丶创建的收藏夹艾尔等发还内容:=Elden Ring= 魔法师罗杰尔Sorcerer Rogier 解包纯净全语音合集 丨艾尔登法环,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
This is just an optional step, but you can check on Rogier and get the letter from him and some other items that you might need in your journey forward. Find Fia at Deeproot Depths To reach theDeeproot Depths, you must go through the Siofra Aqueduct. Start from theAqueduct-Facing Cliffs...
Elden Ring Progression Route Elden Ring’s biggest selling is the open-world freedom it grants players. There’s no set order to explore places and the bosses you should fight. But having this much freedom, progressing properly through the game can become tricky. If you want to have a consi...
配音演员:Ben Norris cc字幕:中文(中国台湾):官方中文英文(美国):官方英文日语:官方日文 cc字幕开启方法与详细介绍: 再次感谢NGA大佬分享的解包文本 展开更多游戏知识分享官 游戏 单机游戏 elden ring 艾尔登法环 罗杰尔 菈...
Take the elevator on the north side of the boss area to the surface once you’ve defeated him. You’ll find yourself at Moonlight Altar. Take a break at the Grace Site. Use the Discarded Palace Key There’s one more thing you need to do before you can return to Ranni to get the ...
For the Scythe Blackflame Blade, we’ll be going with theWinged Scythe. You can find this weapon inside a chest in the Tombsward Ruins in Limgrave. This weapon scales with Strength, Faith, and Dexterity. Like all Katanas, all Scythes in Elden Ring have an inherent blood loss capability...