Existing Component Yes Component Name 2.6.1 Description 可否通过current-change的事件来获取到当前行的索引值,另外cell-contextmenu使用时获取到当前行的index也是undefined,可否增加右键也能获取到行索引的功能 github-actionsbotadded theinactivelabelApr 20, 2024...
current-change event namespace is duplicated on <el-table> and <el-pagination>. so, we have to compare whether the type of the first argument of event is an object or a number. Can you fix the event name or have another solutions? http://element.eleme.io/#/en-US/component/table#...
Existing Component 是 Component Name el-table Description 当表格存在多个 filter 的时候,每次改变 filter,filter-change 事件只能拿到当前改变的选项,我认为拿到当前所有的 filter 选项会更好一点
[Bug Report] [ElTable] changing highlight-current-row or nullifying current-row-key doesn't change the current row and so highlighted row stay highlighted #11776 Closed amgadserry opened this issue Jun 27, 2018· 1 comment Closed [Bug Report] [ElTable] changing highlight-current-row ...