EstacionalidadBackground: Active commuting (walking or cycling) to school contributes to increase physical activity levels in young people. Meteorological conditions might have a remarkable influence on this behaviour. Objective: The aim is to study the impact of the rainfall and seasonality on the ...
Garcia Campayo J, Rodero B, Alda M, Sobradiel N, Montero J, Moreno S. Validacion de la version espan˜ola de la escala de la catastrofizacion ante el dolor (Pain Catastrophizing Scale) en la fibromialgia. Med Clin (Barc). 2008;131:487---92....
The support structures may take the form of lateral ribs or intermediate posts, and may be fabricated of either insulating or conductive material. One integrated circuit described is a memory device, such as a dynamic random access memory.doi:US5994777 APeter AustinEva GregorovaUS...
Tabula Rasa: revista de humanidadesErrejon Galvan,Inigo;Espasandin Lopez,Jesus;Iglesias Turrion,Pablo."El regreso de Tupac Katari:Bolivia y los procesos de transformacion global del capitalismo".TabulaRasa,n.7,p.111‑148,2007.Disponivel em:http://
the cao maintained a high catalytic activity during five reaction cycles showing its high potential of its use in an industrial process.doi:10.4067/S0718-07642010000400008Garzón imputa a dirigentes de Batasuna por pertenencia a ETA con "pleno conocimiento"información tecnológica...