astrocytesblood-brain barrierbrain capillary endothelial cellscortical neuronscoculturesoccludintight junctionsBrain capillary endothelial form a functional barrier between blood and brain, based on the existence of tight junctions that limit paracellular permeability. is one of the major transmembrane of tight...
Institut de Chimie de l'Université, Avenue de Bellevaux 51, 2002 NeuchâtelGarnero, JeanLaboratoires de Recherches des Etablissements Robertet & Cie, Grasse/FranceBuil, PierreLaboratoires de Recherches des Etablissements Robertet & Cie, Grasse/FranceBr J AnaesthBritish Journal of Anaesthesia...
This work examines from a sociological perspective how the most disadvantaged segments coexist, resist and adapt to a dominant discourse that stigmatizes them in a daily and systematic way. Te processes and social mechanisms through which the poor are constructed as the others (the otherness) are ...
Chronology of the postnatal ossification of the shoulder and cubit joints of the Siam cat (Felts catus L.)doi:10.1111/j.1439-0264.1993.tb00339.xVazquez‐Auton J.MaVilla Lopez Ma.IMoreno FGil FLatorre RBlackwell Publishing LtdAnatomia Histologia Embryologia...
this article's objective is to point out the importance ideas and values have in the leaders' decision-making process and that those ideas and values led them to implement foreign policies congruent with the integration process. based on malaysia, the argument put forward is that what orient...
This paper introduces Stellar Simplification, a fast implementation of the Four-Face Cluster algorithm. In our version of this mesh simplification scheme, we adopt a probabilistic heuristic that substitutes the priority queue of the original algorithm. This made our version, in average, 40% faster....
Systemic or locoregional chemotherapy can also be used for high-grade or non-resectable tumors.F. DujardinM. DebledC. GuillemetJ. SimonetH. HamidouC. Cambon-MichotB. DubrayP. VeraProfesorado Revista De Currículum Y Formación De Profesorado...
El bosque tropical seco en riesgo: conflictos entre uso agro- pecuario, desarrollo turistico y provision de servicios ecosistemicos en la costa de Jalisco, Mexico. Inter- ciencia 34:844-850.Castillo A, God´inez C, Schroeder N, Galicia C, Pujadas A, Mart´inez L (2009) El bosque ...
doi:10.4067/S0717-71782001000100003direct energy conversionfuel cellscathodescatalystsgoldoxygenperformanceporositytefloncryogenic fluidsContents include the following articles: (1)Lara OteroKinderrztliche Praxis
DemocracyCapitalismLiberalismPolitical science PhilosophyThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Primitivo CarbajoGovernment & Democracy