to test for income convergence using two existing definitions of convergence and a new testable definition of ?-convergence. Only Dominican Republic and Paraguay were found to pair-wise converge according to the Bernard and Durlauf (1995) definition. More evidence of stochastic convergence exists when...
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doi:10.1002/jctb.5000494432John Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of the Society of Chemical Industry
Many patients, particularly those with impaired lymphatic drainage, experience repetitive bouts of streptococcal cellulitis 1 , often due to non-group A strains 2 . Despite the frequency and severity of streptococcal skin and soft-tissue infections, little is known of the role, if any, of ...
Modelado de la geometria del conducto auditivo externo mediante el metodo de los elementos finitos. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2006;57:82-9.Vallejo Valdezate LA, Delgado VM, Hidalgo A, Gil-Carcedo E, Gil- Carcedo LM, Montoya F. Modelado de la geometria del conducto auditivo externo ...
in this report, we present the case of a 47 year old male patient with a suspicious lesion in the distal radius and we define the radiological signs that suggest diagnosis of giant cell tumor of the bone.doi:10.4321/s1699-695x2012000100013Fernando Hidalgo Mé...
Mahdi ElGOLLI - MyScienceWorkIngénieur en mé
This new low-angle normal fault excised part of the hanging wall, cut hanging-wall structures, and served as a secondary breakaway for the detachment. West of the Oxford Ridge anticline, the master detachment fault initiated and slipped at a low angle, is the y...
amri bilel - MyScienceWorkdiplomé