Glantz, M.: Currents of change: impacts of El Nin˜o and La Nin˜a on climate and society, Cambridge Univ Pr, 133-145, 2001.Glantz M.H. (2001) Currents of change: impacts of El Nin˜ o and La Nin˜ a on climate and society, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambrid...
由于赤道东太平洋SST异常(ElNiño现象),大气中的Hadley环流将会增强。ITCZ(赤道辐合带)的位置有明显的东移趋势,这必将影响西太平洋台风运动。 厄尔尼诺使中高纬度西风加强,阿留申低压往往比正常时强,因而常给北美西岸造成频繁的强风暴活动,暴风雨和风暴浪、风暴潮更加严重。
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The Impact of a Severe El Niño Event on Vascular Epiphytes in Lowland Panama by Helena J. R. Einzmann 1,*, Letizia Weichgrebe 1 and Gerhard Zotz 1,2 1 Functional Ecology Group, Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, P.O. Box 5634...
Anthrax is a highly fatal zoonotic disease that affects all species of livestock. The study aims to develop an early warning of epidemiological anthrax using machine learning (ML) models and to study the effect of El Niño and La Niña oscillation, a
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P2 and BP antisera did not stain regions of in a case of idiopathic , while adjacent myelinated PN stained normally. Absorption of the P2 antiserum with P2, PN or SC (carefully dissected to eliminate PN contamination) nullified the specific staining in both the PN and SC; however, ...
and J. Li, 2004: El Nin~o/La Nin~a shelf edge flow and Aus- tralian western rock lobsters. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L11301, doi:10.1029/2003GL018900.Clarke, A.J. and Li, J. (2004) El Nino ⁄ La Nina shelf edge flow and Australian western rock lobsters. Geophys. Res. ...