that busy themselves with the more ancient interpretations of the term and come to associate it with the ruse, the trick, cunning, we try to derivate the conception of the poetry that homer materializes in the iliad, which implies then to decide if the rhapsodist is the oaede composer or...
cocaine and amino acid neurotransmitters, cocaine, nucleus accumbens, hippocampusThe acute and chronic effects of cocaine on y-aminobutyrate (GABA), aspartate and glutamate levels both in nucleus accumbens and hippocampus were investigated. Doses of cocaine were administered intraperitoneally to groups of...
URREJOLA, Sergio, El hecho generador del incumplimiento contractual y el articulo 1547 del codigo civil. Revista de derecho privado, Santiago, nº17, 2011.Urrejola Santa Maria, S. (2011). El hecho generador del incumplimiento con- tractual y el articulo 1547 del Codigo Civil. Revista ...
doi:10.1097/01.ede.0000392354.45698.28Castilla, Elena BlancoRodríguez, Laura TeruelQuesada, MontseEpidemiology