Preparation, Properties, and Molecular Structure of μ 3 -(Acetoxymethylidyne)-cyclo-tris(tricarbonylcobalt)(3 Co Co ), (CO) 9 Co 3 C OCOCH 3 A novel methylidyne-nonacarbonyltricobalt cluster complex, (CO) 9 Co 3 C OCOCH 3 , has been prepared in benzene solution by reaction of Li...
The amino acid composition of the protein showed no essential differences.doi:10.1002/lipi.19840860305Prof. Dr. S. H. EmirogluPriv.-Doz. Dr. R. MarquardWILEY‐VCH VerlagFette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel
The magnetic moments are discussed with regard to ligand-field parameters.%Die Alkalicobaltchalkogenide Na_6CoS_4, Na_6CoSe_4 und K_6CoS_4 kristallisieren in der Raumgruppe P6_3mc mit Z = 4. Als charakteristische Baugruppen treten isolierte" tetraedrische [CoX_4]-Einheiten auf. Die ...
The structure of the thioaldehyde complex VIII has also been determined by X-ray diffraction.doi:10.1016/0022-328X(85)80073-5Henning UmlandUlrich BehrensElsevier B.V.Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
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These observations showed that the properties of the investigated fungus are those which characterize other Trichoderma species as well.\ndoi:10.1111/j.1439-0434.1990.tb01173.xJ. Ma?ekF. Celar
The results of the thermal analysis of the partial system NaCl—NaAlCl 4 —KCl—KAlCl 4 are as follows: All mixtures of NaCl and KAlCl 4 crystallize as a pseudobinary eutectic system (the eutectic mixture nearly coinciding with KAlCl 4 ); the solid phases NaAlCl 4 and KAlCl 4 may ...
StrukturanalyseFracture forceGranule structureGranulesTo investigate the correlations between internal granule structure and mechanical properties, different granules were spray-dried from varied Al 2 O 3 suspensions. Variation of polymer type or amount overlays the effect of changed internal granule ...
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The cleavage velocity of oxy- and carboxyhemoglobin at various pH values was spectroscopically measured.doi:10.1002/hlca.19530360517P. KistlerA. BuriHs. NitschmannWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta